Rebecca shouldn’t have ordered Rowan to join them. She realized that now.
If he didn’t cut it out and start taking this seriously, he would end up being almost as big of a problem as Eduardo’s griybreki when the convoy finally arrived.
But when their hiding spot behind the shipping container grew quiet again, she almost let herself hope Rowan had already grown bored with trying to rattle their cages.
Wishful thinking.
Maxwell inspected his weapon, double-checking the components and the augmented magitek rounds inside—a clear attempt to not let Rowan get under his skin.
But the Blackmoon Elf was simply too good at it.
“These weapons…” Rowan clicked his tongue, then pushed himself off the shipping container to drop into a squat beside Rebecca. The tinny echo of his finger tapping against the barrelof her rifle sounded a hundred times louder within the expectant silence of the team’s waiting. “These I just don’t understand. I can’t believe you’re actually using this thing.”
Rebecca repositioned her rifle out of his reach and whispered, “It would have been good to have these with us last time. We’re a lot more prepared now.”
Rowan barked out a laugh, making Maxwell flinch at the unnecessary volume. “A lot moreprepared? How’s that, exactly?”
Maxwell’s warning growl reverberated against the shipping container.
Rebecca finally had to look at Rowan, this time conjuring as dangerous of a warning scowl as she could muster and hissed, “We’re here first, for one. Which means we keep our mouths shut. Including you.”
Beside her, the shifter snorted and shook his head.
If she’d had more time, Rebecca would have put more energy into figuring out what that meant.
Because it definitely felt like the shifter had found her statement amusing. That maybe he’d even beenlaughing.
She hadn’t meant to make it a joke, but anything involving Aldous had been a joke anyway without anyone even trying.
Rowan gave them another thirty seconds of silence before he just couldn’t help himself. “So what exactly happened in that last battle with these guys we’re supposed to be waiting for? It sounds pretty bad. And if itwasthat bad, why would you come back for more? That’s what I don’t get.
“I mean, for the shifter, it makes sense. There’s a masochistic streak in there for sure. But if it wereme, I’d wanna stay as far away as possible after getting my ass handed to me. The whole team can’t be as hungry for another defeat as our wolf friend over here, right? Because if it’s a matter of—”
Maxwell whirled around in his position with a vicious snarl and thrust his face within inches of Rowan’s. “Do you evershut up?”
Rowan stared him down without reaction before he cocked his head. “Do you everlightenup?”
“When we’re on mission?No. We’re here to do a job—”
“Trust me, pal.” Rowan sniggered. “You really don’t wanna watch me work.”
“No, I think I really do.” Maxwell lowered his weapon to his side and stood back before offering Rowan a curt nod. “Right now. Let’s see it. Blackmoon doing something useful for once. I’m ready.”
“Huh.” Rowan took a giant step toward the shifter until they stood mere inches apart, perfectly mirroring matching sneers. “You’re just trying to whip me into shape with all that blustering, aren’t you? I know the tricks. Guess it’s just not your lucky day, wolf.”
Maxwell’s next growl was even louder. “You think you can just—”
“Quiet,” Rebecca hissed. “Both of you.”
Both men froze before each turning toward her with wide eyes, as if they’d had no idea why she would chastise them.
She shook her head. “Listen to me. Wecannotafford another shitshow like the last time. We just can’t. That means everyone on their game, ready to go when we get the signal. So pull your shit together before it costs us this mission. Both of you. Got it?”
“We didn’t even do anything,” Rowan muttered.
“Well I’m rooting it out before you even have the chance,” she added. “Last warning, Blackmoon. Get back to your—”
The brightest burst of violet light yet appeared at Nyx’s position atop another shipping container by the dock’s entrance, distracting them all.