If this turned into a pity party, she couldn’t stay for the rest of it.
Leonard shuffled uncomfortably in the center of the circle, casting dubious looks at other members seemingly at random, then smacked his lips and muttered, “Where are you going with this, Nyx?”
The katari gawked at him, her violet eyes wide before she folded her arms. The deeper violet light sparking behind her eyes now warned of a dangerous spike in her magic and her anger if the mage didn’t choose his next words carefully. “You know exactly where I’m going with it.”
“Sure. Maybe.” He shrugged, then scratched the back of his head. “Not really. It just…doesn’t sound like something you’d say on your own—”
“Well maybe that’s theproblem, Leonard.” The katari’s magic crackled around her, shooting violet sparks that quickly dissipated in the air while streaks of bright purple flared around her head.
“We’ve all been watching the same train wreck for the last decade, atleast,” she added, “but no one’s had the guts to step up and actually do something about it. Or eventalkabout it ‘til now. So I guess I’m the one standing up.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” The mage scrunched up his face, then gestured toward the rest of the meeting. “But I don’t know if everyone else is ready for—”
“You don’t speak for everyone else!”
“Neither do you.”
“No, but I’m finally speaking formyself,” Nyx snapped, flashes of her aggravated magic strobing around her in different shades of brilliant purple streaks. “I’m not telling everyone else what to think, but I know I’m not the only one who feels this way!”
Her voice echoed around the library with a desperate urgency.
When it faded, the katari was left there at the edge of the circle, hovering inches above the floor and breathing heavily, her fists clenched at her sides and her short violet hair standing on end within the flair of static her own magic had produced.
Seconds later, she noted the lack of reaction from the others around them, and her righteous anger fizzled out as her sneakers dropped back to the library floor. Nyx puffed out a sigh, glanced nervously from one familiar face to the next, and returned to shrinking uncertainly into herself like she normally did.
“I’mnotthe only one who feels this way,” she repeated, her voice barely above a squeaking whisper. “Am I? I can’t be…”
Magicals shuffled nervously in their circle, silently exchanging unsteady glances. Most of them had a hard time making eye contact with anyone, including Nyx.
Rebecca slowly straightened from where she’d been leaning against the closest bookcase, scanning the varied reactions and waiting…
This was pathetic. Of all Shade’s operatives, Nyx was the least likely to stick her neck out by going against the grain. Not to mention suggesting Shade “go big” in finally dealing with Aldous the way he should have been dealt with years ago.
But here she was, putting herself out there, and no one else had the balls to stand up beside her?
Diego huffed out an aggravated sigh and rolled his crimson eyes. “Is that all we’ve got? Really? Come on, people—”
“Hold on a sec.” Still gaping at Nyx, Leonard reached toward Diego’s shoulder, but the Cruorcian stepped away to avoid the contact. Leonard didn’t seem to notice as he stepped slowly toward Nyx instead, his frown deepening. “Where’s all this coming from?”
“Wellthat’sobvious,” Diego grumbled at the mage’s back. “She got it in her head that she knows best for all of us.”
Nyx’s eyes flared with deep purple as she centered her gaze on him. “That’s not what I said.”
“And whatdidyou say, huh? ‘Cause I didn’t see anyone else cheering you on when you practically called for blood. Didyou?”
“Hey, ease up, will ya?” Leonard looked over his shoulder at the blood mage. “None of us have done this kinda thing before—”
“Like spoutin’ off aboutgoing bigwith something we can never undo?”
“For fuck’s sake!” Rebecca shouted, clenching her eyes shut against the aggravation. “Cut the bullshit andlisten. Nyx just said what everyone else is thinking, and if you weren’t already thinking it, you’re in the wrong place. The only decision that matters here isn’twhatto do with Aldous buthowwe’re gonna fucking get rid of him!”
Her own words echoed in her ears before she noticed the alarmingly pervasive silence sweeping in after her outburst. The library had fallen alarmingly silent, punctured only by the steady huff of her own breath. She slowly opened one eye to see dozens of magicals all staring at her in mute shock.
Well there went her personal promise to stay the hell out of it.
Diego sniffed, then tugged on the bill of his baseball cap to further shadow his crimson eyes. “Anything else you wanna get off your chest, elf?”
“You have no idea,” Rebecca muttered, then shook her head.