It was the knowledgeinsideher as well.
That was what everybody wanted, wasn’t it?
The Bloodshadow Court had wanted it for their own aims to sustain what they’d built, to ensure the survival of their power, generation after generation.
It was what their enemies coveted as well.
The kind of knowledge combined with an inherent ability so powerful, it could be nothing more than a weapon in the wrong hands.
It was nothing more than a weapon in therighthands too, which in some ways was even worse.
Rebecca had discovered that from a young age on her own, because of course that wouldn’t have been a part of her training. Ithad, however, molded the way she’d seen herself from then on.
Then, once the Bloodshadow Court had begun to send its many whispers rippling out into the old world—and by default into Earth as well—she’d had to make her decision.
She’d chosen not to be a weapon at all in anyone’s hands.
That was exactly what she’d recreated herself to be.
The whole time she’d been with Shade, Rebecca had not once seen anyone else inside the library. If someone decided to randomly show up and join her there today, chances were pretty high they were also the lucky bastard Aldous had picked for the job of tailing her.
After that, Rebecca would know exactly who to fool next.
She hardly passed anyone else through the building. Those she did pass had nothing to say. They hardly even looked at her, which only made the thick tension in the air that much more recognizable.
Somethingwas stirring inside Shade’s Chicago-based headquarters.
About damn time.
To her complete surprise, Rebecca found the compound’s library nowhere close to its normally empty state.
She almost barreled headfirst into a witch she hadn’t had much of an opportunity to get to know during her time here. Definitely for lack of trying.
The young witch with a smooth, pitch-black bob framing her face squeaked in surprise when she ripped open the library door and nearly rammed her head into Rebecca’s throat while trying to peek her head through the doorway.
“Whoa…” Rebecca stepped back and looked the witch up and down.
What was her name? Flora or Fauna or some ridiculous nature-y word like that. Maybe.
“Sorry,” the witch blurted in a hushed voice. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“With the most aggressive lookout move ever?” Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Nope. Give it a little practice, though, and you could probably do some serious damage that way.”
The witch’s dark, glistening eyes widened as she craned her neck to peer up at Rebecca. “How did you know I was the lookout?”
“Well, if the way you’re hugging that door didn’t already give it away, your question just did.”
“Shit.” The witch leaned even farther forward through the open door and peered up and down the hallway to either side of where Rebecca stood. “What are you doing here?”
“Trying to get into the damn library. That part’s obvious.”
But now Rebecca’s gut was telling her something else was going on too. Seeing as she lacked any previous sight of whoever Aldous’s new shadow for her might be, she might as well followthisstory all the way to the end.
It was way too fucking easy.
She took a step back, folded her arms, and tilted her head at the witch before offering a blasé shrug. “What do youthinkI’m doing here?”
“Wait. Are you for real?”