“I do love it when you beg.” He pulled the fabric of my swim bottoms to the side, exposing me to him completely. “But you don’t need to beg me here, baby. I’ve been dreaming about this meal for years.”
There was no other way to describe what Fane did except with one word.Feast.
I was writhing beneath him. He moved one hand to the flat plane of my stomach, holding me down while his tongue lapped over every inch of me. Delving in with no restraint before he moved his mouth from me too soon. I could feel his grin along the skin of my thighs while he played, leaving nips and bites.
I saw my life flash before my eyes when Fane started to fuck me with two thick fingers. I screamed that time, not used to being so full, and mygod,was I full.
His name kept falling off my own tongue; a plea and a curse. His fingers continuing to pump into me. The pace they set was unforgiving and met with the rough way he sucked my clit, my head started to spin.
“You feel perfect. Your tight little cunt is gripping my fingers, baby. I can feel the way you’re clenching. Are you going to come for me?”
Good Lord, this man’s mouth.
If I wasn’t so consumed with what he was doing to my body, I wouldn’t be able to look him in the face. I’d probably still not be able to look him in the face after this.
“Come on my fingers, Calista. I want to taste every last bit of you.” He added a third finger and latched his mouth back to the swollen, sensitive flesh of my clit. It took two more pumps, and I fell apart so thoroughly that my ears started to ring and stars took over my entire vision.
My legs collapsed on either side of me, exposing me even further while he kept moving his fingers in and out of me. When he finally pulled them away, my bleary eyes settled on him, and I watched him lick them clean before dragging his tongue up the length of my slit one final time.
I whimpered at the contact, my hands reaching down to push him away. He caught my wrists and pulled me back into the water, still limp and reeling. Kissing me so thoroughly that I could taste myself on his lips. Long, languid strokes of his tongue until I was grinding myself on him, already wanting more.
He slowed down our pace, leaving me only half coherent before pulling the loose ties of my swimming top back up, covering me and tenderly retying the knot at the back of my neck.
Pressed against him, I could feel every inch—hard and thick and impossibly heavy—and I wanted nothing more in that moment than to taste him too. To feel his hand in my hair while I licked him from base to tip. To run my tongue along the slit of the swollen head of his cock and savor him. To see the look on his face when I made him feel good.
My hand moved instinctively, sliding down the ridges of his stomach, the taut muscles trembling under my fingertips. I pushed at the band of his swim trunks and through the clear water, I watched his cock spring free. The soft gasp he released,filled with relief, sent a shiver straight down my spine. It made mesalivate.
I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, fingers barely touching, and gave him one hard stroke. He was soft and hard and hot in my hand all at once and with lips parted and his eyes closed, he looked perfect.
I wanted…everything. I wanted his hands back on me, his mouth back on me. To be under him, over him, completely and totally at his mercy.
I wanted to watch the way he looked while I felt him sink inside me.
“Cali,” he croaked like he was in actual pain. His hand moved down my arm until it covered mine. I was absorbed by the sight of it. The strain of tendons in his forearm while he grappled with his restraint. The contracting of his stomach muscles when I gave his length another slow and languid pump, enthralled by the small jut his hips made.
What I hadn’t expected was for him to slowly peel my hand off him. The weight of what he’d done grew heavier every passing second while he tucked himself away.
I felt the frown slowly take over my face. My eyes darted from the water to the words on his chest to the look on his face. Jaw set and eyes hard. Determined in his resolve, yet at the same time, he seemed to betormentedby it.
“You…” I shook my head. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say.
“Believe me when I tell you, I want you to touch me,” his tone was raw. Unflinching.
“I…don’t understand.”
“I want to feel your hands on me,” he whispered. His eyes dropped to my mouth a second before his thumb traced my bottom lip. “Feel your mouth on me. Towatchyou…” Faneshook his head minutely like he needed to physically remove the image from his mind. “But I can’t. Not like this.”
“Like this?” I hated how vulnerable I sounded. The shock of what was happening was like a power outage on my defenses.
“There are too many walls between us, Cali.”
If I thought he sounded like he was in pain before, it had nothing on the way he sounded now, the way he looked. “We need to talk first. I don’t think it’s smart for us to…” He took a deep, shaking breath.
I pushed at his chest. “Not likethis? What does that mean?”
“It means that there’s too much shit unsaid between us right now. That I need you to hear me out before we can—”
“And you don’t thinkIhave things that I want to say toyou?”God, I was so fuckingstupid.