Hips I loved. Hips I dreamed about.
“You already have.”
And then she kissed me, and I knew I would never belong to anyone ever again, the way I belonged to her.
We slept with a wall of pillows between us so high there was a serious concern about the potential to be smothered while I slept. Either by Cali holding a pillow over my face or by the tower doing it all on its own.
If I hadn’t been so deliriously tired, I would have stayed up the entire night, all too aware of the fact it was her on the other side of the wall.
It had been pointless, her attempt at putting distance between us. I knew it, she probably knew it. Jerry probably knew it too.
I woke up at least thirty minutes before her. Jerry’s soft snores trickled in from the living room, pulling me from what had to have been the best sleep I’d had in longer than I cared to admit.
At some point in the night, the pillows between us had disappeared, and Cali had ended up exactly where I knew I’d find her. For the two years she’d been mine, I woke up to her draped across my body like a ragdoll. Legs entwined with mine and one dainty hand splayed across my stomach.
I hadn’t felt her move over to me in the night. I wasn’t sure if she reached for me or if I reached for her.
The only thing I was sure of was how her leg was pressing against my achingly hard cock, and every small movement she made was making the ache in my balls worse and my length thicken.
There would be no mistaking it. The flimsy fabric of my briefs wasn’t hiding a single fucking thing, and I knew this was probably karma for taking off my pants in the first place.
Cali shifted again, and I couldn’t stop the grunt it pulled from me or the way I shifted beneath her, my hands fisting the bed sheets beneath us.
I wasnotgoing to thrust against the leg of my ex-girlfriend, who hates me.I was not going to thrust against the leg of my ex-girlfriend, who hates me.
Because—why the fuck wouldn’t it happen—that was the moment her eyes fluttered open. It took her a full three seconds to realize what she was doing before a bloodcurdling scream shot out of her throat, and she launched herself off the bed.
Her abrupt departure gave me enough time to swing my legs off the side of the bed and reach for my jeans. I tried to cover the bulge in my briefs with one hand, squeezing to relieve the building pressure, but all it did was make my eyes roll back. At this moment, there was no escaping her. Not like I’d been able to before with distance and pathetic distractions.
I wascoveredin her smell, and just the thought sent another painful ache up from the base of my spine.
A handful of seconds after that, a loud thump sounded on the other side of her bedroom door that sounded a lot like Jerry’s head making pretty solid contact.
There was really no other option; I ran from her room. Reaching her door in three long strides, I stepped over Jerry where he’d flopped down outside Cali’s bedroom door.
Her bathroom was…tiny. It was so fucking tiny. The shower stall was barely big enough for me to fit into, my shoulders almost touching either wall. I didn’t care that the water was still cold or that the door didn’t have a lock. I stepped in and released a shuddering breath as I fisted my cock.
There wasn’t even time to think of anything but how warm she’d been pressed against me. The scent of the same milk-and-honey body wash that I remembered but nothing like what I’d conjured up in my imagination. The way it was so completely intertwined with the essence ofher. Her delicate hand up my shirt, pressing against my stomach. Her squirming, sleepy movements rubbing against me.
My cock thickened, impossibly so. My slow measured pumps weren’t nearly enough to feed the need that consumed me, taking over every part of my brain, directing all the blood in my body to one very specific area.
I squeezed the base of my shaft, swiping the leaking pre-cum at the tip before it could be washed away by the warming water.
That’s when Cali’s voice trickled through the too-thin walls. She was talking to her dog, I knew that. Somehow, that knowledge didn’t help in the slightest.
“Are you coming?” she murmured, probably leading her pony-sized dog outside, but all I heard was the gentle lilt of her voice. The memory of her lips moving along my jaw, the bite of her teeth on the lobe of my ear, and I was fucking done.
A choked “Yes”made its way out of my mouth, half stuck in my throat. I caught myself with one hand slapping onto the wettiles next to my head, my orgasm erupting from me like it had a fucking vendetta. My legs shook with the force of it, and all I could do was watch as thick ropes of cum shot out to cover the shower wall, my jaw lax and eyelids half closed. My hand was still moving in lazy strokes until my cock started to soften.
I dropped my head to the cool tiles, breathing hard and wondering what the fuck just happened to me.
“Who’s a good boy?” I heard Cali’s muffled coos that were definitely not for me and couldn’t stop my cringe.