“I already washed them!” He grinned, but he didn’t lower the frying pan or his middle finger.
I lowered my own ‘weapons’ and stepped forward with a sweet smile. I reached up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“You know,” he started in between kisses, “Sometimes you can be a little scary.”
“Guess you’ll have to teach me a lesson or two,” I whispered, matching his grin.
He groaned and dropped his head to my shoulder. “Eleven days.”
Fane had refused to touch me until the two-week mark of me getting better had hit.
“Nope.” He pulled back, dropping a kiss to the corner of my mouth and a light smack on my ass. “Hop in the shower, and your pancakes will be ready when you’re out.”
“You don’t want to join me?”
“I hardly fit in your shower alone, so as much as I’d love to see you wet and naked, I don’t think we’d leave that scenario without further injury.”
I gave him my best pout, and when he leaned down to whisper in my ear about the list of things he was keeping track of that he would be doing to me when the eleven days had passed, I made sure that he heard every moan and cry that left my lips as I sunk two fingers into my pussy, replaying his words in my head. Wishing it was his fingers, not mine.
As promised, there were pancakes waiting for me when I walked out of the bathroom. I only knew that because of the smell that had threaded through every room of the house. I didn’t actually have a chance to see them because the moment the bathroom door opened, Fane was on me.
His kiss was desperate and possessive. His hand grabbed the towel and pulled it from me. I gasped at the way his hands roamed over my still wet body. His palms skated down, taking two handfuls of my ass before squeezing roughly.
My hands found his biceps, steadying myself, and that’s when I realized he didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either.
He wasted no time before a hand delved between my legs. Fane captured my cry with his mouth as he sunk one long digitinto my still sensitive core before pulling it out, and with a final, claiming kiss, he stepped away from me.
It was like I’d been sucked into a hurricane and spat out the other end. I was having a hard time remembering my own freaking name, let alone understand what the fuck just happened.
He’d managed to turn us around, leaving me just outside of the bathroom while he stepped back into the still steam-filled room. I watched as he lifted the finger he’d just buried inside me up to his mouth, closing his lips over it, his eyes dragging down my naked form.
My chest was heaving, legs shaking like all the strength from my body had been siphoned out in the space of a heartbeat. I watched him with greedy eyes of my own, solid and beautiful. His cock jutted out, hard and thick. I watched it jerk the moment he tasted me off his finger, and the moment I stepped forward, a wicked smile took shape, and he tutted, gripping the door beside him.
“Eleven days.”
I was still standing there, naked and stupefied, when the shower turned on and I heard his first groan filter from under the door.
The smile on his face was only half satisfied when he found me eating the pancakes after he’d stepped out of the bathroom, and that was the only thing that made me feel even remotely better. That and the middle finger I had already extended his way before I’d even heard the door handle rattle.
An hour later, we were on the highway heading just outside of Darling.
“This is the way back to Artington.” Fane raised an eyebrow at me before snapping his eyes back to the road.
I hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t say anything else until we got to the part of the highway I was waiting for. “Do you see that shoulder up there?”
“Pull in there and put the windows down.”
The truck rolled to a stop and after shifting it into park Fane pulled the key from the ignition. He turned to look at me, his eyes filled with the kind of patient curiosity that made my heart ache. Like I had every answer he’d ever need. Like I was his true north.
I focused my attention first on his hand still resting on the steering wheel that had the compass, my whole body erupting into goose bumps while I recalled the words he’d said about the meanings of his tattoos.
Now, the compass wasn’t pointing at me. It was pointing right at the very place we’d come here to see.
“Do you see that?” I pointed to the ranch house that was settled on the most beautiful property I’d ever seen.