Wrong steps.
Wrong rhythm.
Wrong fucking everything.
The private room I’d arranged for Salem’s anxiety attacks sits dark and quiet at the end of the hall. I slam through the door, pulling them both inside before anyone can notice where we went.
“Lee—” Salem starts.
“Don’t.” My voice sounds strange. Dangerous. “Just … don’t.”
“You’re bleeding,” she tries again. “Let me?—”
“What the fuck was that?” The words explode out of me. I’m an atomic bomb ready to go off. “Dancing with him? After the way he acted at The Mill?”
“What I did?” Aries takes a step forward, disgust on his face. “Don’t paint me as the fucking villain when all I tried to do was expose whatever game it is you’re playing with her.”
“Game?” I advance on him, but Salem puts herself between us.
“Stop it. Both of you.” Her voice shakes but holds firm. “This isn’t?—”
“Isn’t what?” I laugh, and it sounds unhinged. “Isn’t real? Is that what you were going to say? Because none of this is real, right? Just pretend. Just fake. Just Lee Sterling playing another role, wearing another fucking mask to appease his friends and family.”
“That’s not—” Salem shakes her head. I can see she’s trying to put together a thought in her mind, but I don’t want her rational thoughts right now.
“Then please explain to me what the fuck that was out there?” I gesture toward the ballroom with my bleeding hand.
“You’ve had way too much to drink,” Aries says flatly. “And are making an ass out of yourself.”
“I’m not drunk,” I tell them.
Salem backs up until she hits the wall.
I notice but continue. “I’m not even close to being drunk, and yeah, I’m bleeding because I broke a glass while watching my best friend dance with my girlfriend?—”
“Fakegirlfriend,” Aries corrects.
“Mine.” The word tears out of my throat. “Real, fake, fucking pretend. Doesn’t matter. She’s mine.”
Salem’s breath hitches at the admission. I know I’ve lost my mind and should be more careful, but I’m past rational thinking. All I can do is focus on claiming her, ensuring that no one else touches what belongs to me. I cage her against the wall, one hand beside her head, close enough to feel her trembling but not touching.
“Lee,” she whispers, and my name on her lips sounds like both a prayer and punishment.
“Tell him.” My voice drops lower, and I stare at her perfect lips. “Tell him you’re mine.”
“I …” Her brown eyes ping-pong between us as her silk-covered fingers press against the wall behind her. “This isn’t …”
“Real?” Aries finishes for her. “Because it looks pretty fucking real from where I’m standing.”
“Get out,” I tell him, not looking away from Salem’s face.
“Not happening.” The air shifts as he moves closer. “I’m not leaving you alone with her, not while you’re like this. Calm the fuck down, and then I’ll consider it.”
“I said?—”
“I’m staying.” His voice hardens. “Deal with it.”
Fine. Let him watch. Let him see exactly who Salem belongs to.