Page 23 of The Misfit


The elevator chimes, and the doors open. I rush through the lobby, ignoring the doorman’s greeting and focusing on counting each step I take. The second elevator dings just as I’m about to slip out the door.

I don’t look back.

Can’t look back.

Even if I wanted to say yes to Lee’s offer, there’s no way it would work between us. Oakmount’s playboy and the town weirdo. No one would believe it. Some things are better left in dark pantries, hidden beneath a mask.



Fuck.I’m both angry and disappointed in myself.Did I come on too strong?There’s no denying I triggered her. I could see the anxiety building with every word I spoke.

I should’ve eased into it.Dammit.Salem’s gloves mock me from the passenger seat of my Jeep, pristine in their Ziploc prison.

I’ve been sitting in Drew’s parking garage for twenty minutes, drumming my fingers against the steering wheel and trying to convince myself that following her isn’t insane. The lights flicker overhead, drawing my attention to everything at once—the echo of someone’s footsteps three rows over and the way my phone keeps lighting up with texts I’m ignoring. My mind races between possibilities faster than I can grab any single thought.

Follow her.

Don’t follow her.

Make sure she’s okay.

Give her space.

Go to her house.

(That’s definitely stalking, Sterling.)

But she needs her gloves.

And I need …

“Fuck,” I mutter, hitting my head against the headrest.

The memory of her face, the broken, despairing expression that reflected back at me, mixed with a dash of panic. Is she afraid of me? Afraid of getting too close?

Obviously, you idiot. You looked at her mental health records.

Then there’s Chen. He’s a problem in itself. Something that needs to be fixed,removed. I’ll deal with him, with all of them in due time.

My phone buzzes for the millionth time.

Drew:You good?

Drew:Should I be worried about the weird guy sitting in my parking garage?

Drew:Security called.

I snort and type back my response.

Me:Just plotting my next scandal. You know how it goes.

His reply is almost instant.

Drew:I know what you’re thinking, and I’m telling you now. Don’t do it. Leave her alone. She’s been through enough. Being your next conquest is not on her bingo card.