Cyprian smiled. His eyes started to burn and tear, making his vision blurry. Ludo’s eyes widened, mouth falling agape, leaking blood inside.
“Good light. You…”
A wave of cold air landed on both of them.
Ludo blinked, eyes stuck on Cyprian’s as he fed him with the vision of his death. “You will freeze to death,father. You willturn into a large ice cube that intertwines with that ice-cold heart of yours.”
“What? You…you…” Ludo’s eyes turned wide with panic as he witnessed his coming death. “You monster!” He rasped.
“Yes.” Cyprian smiled. “Yourmonster.”
Ludo tried to grimace, but his chattering teeth prevented his lips from stretching out. He stayed like that, mouth half open, as he stared at Cyprian. His eyes were wild, filled with horrifying visions.
There was another wave of ice. And another one. Cyprian’s shiver melted as a wave of heat waved over him, preventing him from facing a similar fate to his father. Moargan. He was here, and he had his back.
“We celebrate the dead!” Someone called out.
The cry was taken over by the audience. Chaos erupted in the pit. With Ludo being taken away from them, but the gates still locked, the prisoners couldn’t escape. Instead, they’d started attacking each other, desperation clawing at their impatience and the unmistakable fear of their death.
“Put the blond one back in his cage!” Morgan roared. Keepers made their way back inside the center and started clearing the scene. Bekn was locked back in, but some of his friends were less fortunate. Black Mohawk was attacked by four raging prisoners, who’d found stones that were thrown from the audience and used them to kill. He blew out his last breath while being surrounded by four attackers who had been his friends.
So much for solidarity.
The rest of the arena was swept clean in a matters of minutes. And all the while, Ludo Fandi sat kneeling, in agony, until another wave of frost caused the final straw. Cyprian watched as his entire frame slowly froze to death.
“May you never live again,” Cyprian whispered.
Ludo blinked one final time. His lashes were covered with alayer of ice, and his eyes, wide and filled with fear, stared at Cyprian. He didn’t blink again.
“Davon-tus,” Cyprian whispered. “Who are you?”
I’m sorry. I can’t.
Our secret.
Cyprian looked up, searching the arena. “Where are you?” He called.
He didn’t get a reply.
“Lover,” Moargan crooned in his ear. He had come up from behind him, fingertips warming every inch of skin they could find. “That was spectacular.”
The crowd exploded when Cyprian turned around in his hold.
Okay, brother, he thought to himself.Have it your way. But I’ll find you one day.
The moment was interrupted by drum rolls and more shouts.
“We celebrate the dead!”
“We celebrate the Imperial family!”
Milanov’s voice flared through the microphone, announcing that everyone would receive free drinks and food for the ceremony.
“This is it, lover.” Moargan’s arms snaked around Cyprian’s nape, pulling him close. “Are you ready to become mine?”