Helianth was also present. His tanned skin was bruised, though he was alert as he sat in his hospital bed, an ember drink in his hand, cuddled by an obscene pile of fluffy pillows. His bed stood by the window, next to his mother’s.
On Norma’s other side stood another bed. Four nurses stood around Celia Fandi’s sleeping frame. Cyprian’s mother would wake up later, for the first time in many years not in a hospital room, but in the arena. They weren’t sure how her brain would react to that, but enough nurses had come to support her.
Kylix entered the lounge, black cape sweeping around his lean frame. His black hair was swept back from his forehead, making those dark eyes even more impressive. He brushed a hand through Helianth’s hair and squeezed his shoulder. “It’s good to have you back.” Then he took his leave to one of the glass cubicles. Two male Luminary guards, students still, followed him in silence. The door locked a few seconds later.
Milanov Zephyranth returned from his speech and took place on the chair that stood next to Norma and Helianth’s bed. It would be showtime soon.
Cyprian let himself be escorted outside the elite rooms and toward the stairs. As he was given instructions by his guards, ten iron cages were dragged onto the sand surface that formed the heart of the arena. What followed was a heavy hush as the crowd waited for what was to come.
It would be a choice. Cyprian’s choice. One death, ten targets. Eight members of the Luminary had been arrested, Bekn included. Theo had been taken into custody and of course, the tenth cage was his own biological father, Ludo Fandi.
“Are you ready?” Moargan asked. They were both entirely dressed in white. But where Moargan’s cape fluttered in the breeze, Cyprian wore his over his head, licks of black hair framing his temple.
“Yes.” Cyprian had never been more ready. It was time to embrace his fate, embrace his Dariux.
“Then let’s go.” Moargan brushed a kiss on Cyprian’s forehead and swiped his thumb over the flushed skin. “Otherworldly. So precious. Born to kill.”
The words settled in Cyprian’s chest, making golden liquid race through his veins. His angel was right, he could feel the hunger.
There was a blare of a horn and then the large doors to the arena opened.
Cyprian followed Moargan as he stepped through the open doors and into the heart of the arena.
The Imperial Prince inspected the cages. With his hands casually tucked behind his back, he swaggered from one prison to the other, smiling when he recognized Theo. “Hello again. Quite the mess you’re in once more, don’t you agree?”
Theo’s gaze darted between Moargan and Cyprian, blue eyes wide with fear.
When he finished his round, Moargan turned back to Cyprian, pulling him in with his strong arms. Cyprian swayed, the bond purring at the strength and scent of his mate. “Your first Aureate, lover. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it.” His grin was wicked, and his amethyst eyes flared with glee. Then he let go of Cyprian, swept around, cape fluttering around his impressive build, and swaggered back to the door.
Cold nerves hit Cyprian hard when he stood alone in the center of the arena. But before he had time to doubt the moment, a drum started banging in a pounding single beat, and the crowd, impatient per usual, took over the rhythm with their voices.
Cyprian took in a deep breath and tilted his head as his eyes reached for the sky. It was blue, with a hint of colour radiating from the closest planet. Around him, the crowd’s single cry found a crescendo, and Cyprian’s earlier fears melted like ice, erasing his doubt. Moargan was right. This washismoment. And he would take it.
The gem on his incisor pulsed, making him hungry for something. He licked it and a growl escaped his throat, low and guttural.
He was hungry for violence.
As he passed their cages, some of the Attica members pleaded for their lives. Cyprian ignored them. His gaze swept on every one of them, yellow eyes taking their time to take in their faces.
Helianth had been severely beaten and drugged.
The drug was Bekn.
But the beating…
“Which one of you did it?” Cyprian demanded. “Which one of you beat the living shit out of Helianth Zephyranth?”
No one replied.
“That’s what I thought.” Cyprian huffed. “Brave when you’re all stuck together, preying on innocent people. But standinghere behind bars? Not so much.” He turned to the audience. “And then they sayweare violent?”
The crowd erupted in support.
Helions need a hero,Moargan had said. He had been right.
Cyprian walked back to the cage he had selected and nodded to its keeper. The barred door clicked open. Theo stood, trembling. His purple suit sat too large over his slim body. His unruly curls reached his quivering neck.
“Bekn.” Cyprian turned to the other blond’s prison. Even in their current state, the resemblance was staggering. “I’ve got your brother here in my possession. I can do what I want to him. But if you tell me I can’t touch him, I won’t.”