Page 133 of Blinding Light

“Nooo.” Cyprian groaned. He did.

“Yes,” Moargan smirked, gave him a final pack, then climbed out. “We are expected at the arena tonight for your first Aureate.”

“Aren’t we supposed to go to the hospital first?”

“Kylix believes there’s no time. Enough rumors have been spread. We need to get the punishments out of the way torestore the peace and safety in Helion. Besides, my father will come back today, and he won’t be coming alone.”

“Are you saying what I hope you are?” He followed Moargan to the bathroom, where they got ready for the day.

“Yes,aeon, I am. They are both leaving for the day, both our mothers. The elite lounge of the arena will look like a fucking hospital today.”


Moargan nodded, eyes focused on closing the final button at Cyprian’s neck. “He will be there. My father refuses to let him leave his bed, so he’ll be our third patient.” Finishing his shirt, Moargan turned him around, dropping a kiss on Cyprian’s nose. “Glorious. Fierce and handsome. Everyone wants to see you seek justice for your life. Once that is done, we will have our ceremony.”

A low buzz settled in Cyprian’s stomach. Placing a hand on it, he saw that Moargan did the same thing. ‘Do you?—”

Moargan nodded. “I feel it too, lover. It’s the craziest thing that has ever happened in my life. But whenever you are near, I can sense you with a yearning that slashes through every common sense and tugs at my heart, begging to be let in. I need you with a ferocity I never knew existed.”

“My angel.” Cyprian pressed his lips shut, suddenly embarrassed by the way those words just tumbled out of his mouth. But Moargan smiled, and his amethyst eyes flashed.

“Such beautiful words.” His mouth found the spot on Cyprian’s throat, making Cyprian moan when he toyed with the bruised skin.

“Good light, you’re so evil,” Cyprian panted. They gazed at each other through the mirror, Moargan’s eyes flickering with glee.

“But you love me still.”

“I don’t—” Cyprian stopped himself. He wasn’t sure how toanswer that. Did he love Moargan? How long had they known each other? Weeks? Months? Forever?

They had been made to be together.

Moargan licked Cyprian’s cheek teasingly, darting his tongue into the corner of his mouth. He shivered at the touch, cock throbbing inside his pants. He was so hungry for Moargan.

“I do.” The words left his mouth on a rushed whoosh. Yes, he did love Moargan. He had fallen deep with no way of climbing up. Cyprian didn’t even want too anymore.

Moargan hummed in satisfaction. Their palms met. A steady thrum skimmed through Cyprian’s veins, and he sighed, sagging against Moargan’s chest. Moargan’s hands curled around his waist, keeping him close. “Good. Because you’re mine.”

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Cyprian’s eyes fluttered when he heard the words echo through his mind.

Moargan’s mouth brushed his raven strands. “And you know, I’m kind of crazy about you too,aeon. Can’t fucking wait to see what you’ve got in store for Helion tonight. You’ll show them worthy, of that I’m sure. You are no longer a foster kid searching for his roots. You have found me. And with me, an entire family where you belong. You belong to Dariux, because you are one of us.”

Tonight, the arena was overcrowded. Helions had come in mass, for this wastheevent of the year. Their streets had been unsafe for the past months, and finally, authorities had captured those who’d brutally taken innocent lives.

And then there was the ceremony. The Imperial, Moargan Zephyranth, was officially allied with his mate, Cyprian Creighton, becoming Zephyranth.

A true happening.

As such, the arena was filled with loud music, and merchants selling food and drinks.

Inside the elite lounge, there was also a buzz, the air filled with an excitement the Imperial family hadn’t felt for years.

Norma Zephyranth had returned. In a hospital bed, her eyes shut, although fluttering. Milanov had told the rest of the family about his wife’s connection with Cyprian. How she had managed to use her own Dariux enhancements, the ones refused by her body but clearly accepted by her mind, to get access to Cyprian and beg him for Helianth’s safe return.

The media was all over it. How Moargan’s Royal Consort had done the rightful thing. How he sacrificed his own safety to get the Imperial Prince Helianth back to safety. Had begged for this mate to come and save them. And Imperial Prince Moargan had come, together with the Luminary, headed by Kylix.

It would be a tale that people would tell their children for years to come.