Cyprian blinked as he tried to focus. What? Was the voice asking him to go to the underground parking?
“Cyprian, are you still there?”
“Yes,” he said, but his eyes widened when the pressure in his head increased. The vision tore open the drawing, leaving a gaping black hole in the middle.
He got up and blindly reached for his coat, nearly toppling over a chair in his wake. “I’m on my way.”
“Cool! Alright, there’s an entrance close to the harbor. There’s a place called Light Tower, it’s public parking. Search for row twelve. There’s a small building with warning signs on it. I left the door unlocked. Be careful on the stairs.”
Barely two minutes later, Cyprian was on his way outside. The vision had vanished once he’d hung up with Archer, but the intensity of the command that had formed in his head lingered.
It was a strange sensation to find the house void of Luminary guards. But it felt good to saunter around by himself. Cyprian walked through the garden, passed the gates, and headed for the stop. But after half an hour of waiting—and he had checked the timetable at least three times—he had to face the truth. The bus wasn’t coming. Motherfucker. Most Helions were probably clustered to their holo screens watching the royal press conference.
When a hover car skidded to a stop at the curb, Cyprian looked up in surprise. A window rolled down, revealing a mop of blond curls and blue eyes.
“Bekn?” Cyprian exclaimed, surprised, followed by a shake of his head. “You’re not Bekn.”
Theo grimaced. “What are you doing out here?” His gazeflicked up to Moargan’s mansion that sat hidden from the road, the high roof tauntingly visible. “And all alone?”
Cyprian pressed his coat tighter around his shoulders. A shiver worked its way through his spine. “I was waiting for the bus.”
At his answer, there was laughter from inside the car.
Someone spoke in a low voice, then Theo asked, “Where are you going?”
“To the harbor.”
“Well, there won’t be any buses. Not with that press conference going on. Did your boyfriend not mention that?”
“Then I’ll walk.” Cyprian tightened his coat. His multi-slate dinged with a message from Archer, who was undoubtedly waiting for him.
“Nah. Jump in, we’ll give you a lift.”
Cyprian hesitated. But the thought of his friend, already down there and by himself, made him get into the car. Plopping down on the only free seat in the back, he gave the others a small greeting. A guy and two girls glared back at him. Their hostile gazes didn’t make the situation easier. Well, it was too late to back out now.
“So you’re going to the harbor?” The guy asked. Cyprian recognized him as the punk who had hurt Theo back on campus a few days ago. Black Mohawk. His dark, unsettling gaze zoomed in on Cyprian.
“Yeah.” Cyprian cleared his throat, then turned to stare outside the window.
“What for?” One of the girls asked.
He swirled his gaze back. “Why am I going to the harbor?” They stared at each other, her gaze unblinking.
“That’s none of your business, D.” Black Mohawk snarled. He slapped Cyprian on the back. “Right?”
“Right.” Cyprian ground his jaw. “Are we nearly there?”
“Patience, my friend.” He tossed him a candy. “Here.Something to do while away from your man. Suck.” He tipped his head back. “Runt here makes them himself. He’s a genius.”
Cyprian’s gaze went back to Theo.Runt?“Is that true?”
Cyprian rolled off the wrapper and stuck the candy in his mouth. Ignoring Black Mohawk and his earlier comment, he focused on the taste. “I’ve never had something like this before,” he mumbled around the candy.
“It’s made from kayde, a typical Helion fruit. It’s like a mixture of apple and strawberry,” Theo replied.