“Aviel?” That was a surprise. But then, Moargan had been a pre-teenager when Aviel had entered his life. He and Helianth had been too busy enjoying their enhancements instead of wondering why they were given them in the first place.
“Aviel is powerful, Moargan. Not only can he shoot fire, but he can also feel things. I have always believed he could be one of the centers of the Dariux chain. When I saw Norma’s reactions to him returning to Helion, I hoped that perhaps it could include her too. It never happened.” He walked back to the bed. “Until now, with Cyprian. Now she’s reacting similarly.”
“But Father…” Moargan stared back at his mother. At her fragile beauty and fluttering eyes. There was a frown on her perfectly manicured eyebrows that hadn’t been there before. He swallowed. “You truly believe that Mama is trying to connect to us?”
“This is the first time in my reign that so many things are shaking up at the same time. Norma, Helianth, you and Cyprian…” Milanov’s amethyst eyes flared with intensity. “Fate, Moargen. The stars. You are the first Dariux who found his other half. Your soul recognized him. Cyprian wasdesignedfor you, Moargan, and you found him. You achieved, my son, what me and your mother weren’t capable of.” He went back to pacing, visibly agitated. “I’ve told Helianth and Kylix to abandon their mission. I need them all safe. Now, tell me, how’s it going in the other room?”
“Good. Celia Fandi recognized Cyprian as her son. They’re reuniting.”
Milanov smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. He will need you now more than ever. Let me walk you out.” He dropped a kiss on his wife’s mouth and whispered to her in Helion.“Wake up soon, my love.”
They left the royal suite and headed back to the canteen, where Cyprian already sat waiting. A new pool of fresh tears pooled in his eyes when Moargan’s father wrapped his arms around him in a hug.
“I’m so happy for you,” Milanov mumbled. He patted Cyprian’s back. “Really happy.”
Cyprian smiled through tears. “Thank you, sir.”
Milanov turned back to Moargan. “Alright, I’m going to leave you here. I’ll stay with Norma. Keep your multi-slate connected, I’ll be in touch.”
“Is he going to stay here tonight?” Cyprian asked when they watched his father leave.
“Yeah.” Moargan couldn't help but be impressed with the level of faith he had. Would it be enough for his mother to finally wake up? Could she wake up after all this time andbecome a normal functioning person again? Or would she be a slave to the Dariux injections for the rest of her life? “He still loves my mother immensely,” he said instead.
Cyprian’s palm found his and the connection made their insides throb with a brilliant substance that felt both hot and cold at the same time. Their hands squeezed, looking for a silent comfort.
“They knew each other,” Moargan said, and he lifted their hands to press a kiss on Cyprian’s wrist. “Our mothers. They were friends.”
Cyprian’s eyes flared with emotion.
“My mother has been paying for your mother’s treatment.”
“Perhaps it was meant to be,” Cyprian whispered. “For them to be friends, for us to be?—”
“Yes,” Moargan pulled his lover in for a soft kiss that quickly turned into a messy tangle of lips and teeth, moans that spilled into each other’s mouth, devoured, and swallowed in their growing need.
They were designed for each other. Born from hunger, this need to claim had been knitted into something far more delicate. A never-ending desire that floated deeper into their existence in its wake to become insatiable, for as long as they lived.
And at that moment, Moargan knew they both felt it.
The turbulent kiss extinguished into tender brushes of their swollen lips, while their heartbeat united in a drumroll that was fierce and steady. Strong and demanding. Such as their awakening love.
Someone coughed, and the magic was snapped away in the blink of an eye.
“What?” Moargan snapped.
It was a nurse. His cheeks were aflame, eyes darting everywhere except for them. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but Celia Fandi is sleeping now.” He gave a tentative smile. “She waspeaceful. It was nice…she never gets visitors, so this was nice. We hope to see you again sometime.”
“Oh, I’ll be back,” Cyprian said, making the nurse blush even more.
“I will bring him,” Moargan stated. “My Royal Consort will come with me every week.” He tucked Cyprian closer to his side, bristling when he caught the amused glitter in his lover’s eyes. “Come now, it’s time to go home.”
Kylix returned the next day from their secret mission. He’d been found in a car that didn’t belong to him. Unconscious andalone.He’d been brought home and hadn’t woken up yet. The news brought the entire house into a state of frenzy.
Moargan was worried about his brother. It was written all over his face. Cyprian hadn’t asked him about it. Those feelings were delicate, and it was up to his angel to talk to him when he wanted.Ifhe wanted.
Cyprian hoped Moargan did.