Page 44 of Hunny and the Bear

Tank went completely still. A heartbeat passed between them before he asked, “What did you just say?”


What the hell did Hunny mean by that? He’d broken her heart? When?How?

“Answer me,” Tank commanded darkly, his fingers tightening on the back of Hunny’s neck as he held her firmly against his chest. His shirt was damp from her tears, and each shuddering breath she took made his heart twist painfully. He wanted her to stop crying, to not be so petrified of the future. To stop feeling like she would always be alone.

But most importantly? He wanted her to answer the damned question.

His mom popped up from her seat, the sudden movement startling him. His head snapped up, eyes meeting hers. “I’m going to give you two a moment,” she informed him, her voice more high-pitched than he’d ever heard it before. Pointing awkwardly to the door, she shuffled from the room like a fire had been lit under her ass.

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” Hunny whispered, returning his attention to the small form huddled against him. She kepther face firmly buried into his shirt. “Can we please not talk about it?”

Not talk about it?Just like they’d barely spoken all day? Hunny had avoided him like the plague since this morning, barely glancing at him, barely responding to anything he said. And for someone like Tank, who thrived on silence, he’d absolutely fucking hated how quiet his cabin had been today.

Fuck, had he hated it.

It had only begun this morning, after he’d woken up with his hands gripping her tight and his cock buried against her ass as he’d thrust against her.

That had to be why Hunny was upset; he’d taken advantage of her in her sleep. It didn’t matter that he’d been asleep, too. He should have at least put some clothes on before climbing into bed with her. And though he’d apologized this morning for his behavior, it clearly hadn’t been enough.

Had he damaged his chance with her forever?

The scent of her tears made his heart ache, her murmured words of heartbreak echoing in his ears and settling in his gut like a heavy weight.

His little rabbit was out of her damned mind if she thought he’d let that comment slide. He intended to get to the bottom of it, tofixit. But he could give her a bit of time to collect herself, at least. She was shaken up from the news of her pregnancy, and he didn’t want to stress her out any further.

But how long could he wait? A day? Longer? His jaw clenched at the thought. That was too damned long. The drive back to his cabin, then? Even that felt like an eternity from now.

Eager to return home, Tank palmed Hunny’s jean-clad bottom, fitting her more firmly against his chest as he spun around toward the door.

“Let’s go, darlin’.”

She sagged against him in relief. Did she think this conversation was over?

Tank almost snorted at that, but remained silent, leaving the examination room. He waved at his mother, who was now behind the front desk, ignoring whoever else might be around, and left the building. It was short work, putting Hunny in his truck, getting into the driver’s side, and starting the engine. But each second that ticked by felt like an hour had passed, and as he drove home, he thought about pulling over several times and demanding some answers.

Instead, he listened to her breathing, relieved that it had evened out and her tears had finally ebbed. She seemed in better control of her emotions. Regardless, he reached over, laying his large palm on her knee. She didn’t flinch from his touch, which he considered a small victory, so he kept it there, needing to be close to her in whatever way she’d let him.

After what felt like several lifetimes, but was actually less than ten minutes, Tank parked his truck in the garage, climbed from the vehicle and moved toward Hunny’s side. She’d already opened the door, sliding over the side of the seat. Her feet hit the garage floor, but before she could close her own door, he grabbed it, nearly denting the metal as he scowled down at her.

“You always let me get the door for you,” he growled, offended.

She bristled at his tone, sending him a watery glare. “I can open a door for myself.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t,” he argued hotly. “But you don’t need to because I’m here to do it.”

Exasperated, Hunny ran a shaky hand through her hair. “One day you won’t be here for stuff like that, Tank. It’s not a big deal if I get back into the habit of looking out for myself.”

His hand left the truck door, palming the nape of her neck as he crowded into her space. Nearly pinning her spine against theside of the passenger seat, he pulled gently on her hair, forcing her to look up at him. “Stop calling me that.”

“Everyone calls you Tank—”

“Not you,” he hissed. He leaned in, resisting the urge to slam his mouth against hers in a claiming kiss. Her lips would be soft, and she’d taste sweet; he knew it down to his bones. His nose brushed hers, and it was all he could do to not close those last few inches between them, his body coiling with tension as he fought to remain in place. She swallowed thickly, her hands finding his chest as he rasped, “Say my name, little rabbit.”

Her eyes widened, and the rising scent of her desire had his mouth watering, his cock hardening with need. Her fingers tightened their grip in his shirt, and for the briefest second, he could have sworn she’d pull him down and claim him just as eagerly as he wanted to claim her.

Then Hunny’s eyes hardened, and she shoved at his chest. Even though he barely felt it, he released her, taking a step back to give her the space she wanted. “You can’t say stuff like that to me.” She threw her hands up into the air as she pushed past him and out of the garage. “You’re giving me every kind of mixed signal!”