Tabitha’s face softened. “Of course, you do. But before tonight, Nessa didn’t know that shifters existed. And not only did she just barely survive an attack from a wolf shifter, she watched someone she knew change from a bear into a man. That would be a hard pill for anyone to swallow when you don’t know this world. You have to prepare yourself because she might not want to see you for a long time.”
“She’s my mate,” Murphy reiterated softly, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Nessa doesn’t know what that means. And if you bombard her as soon as she wakes up, she might not give you a chance to show her, my darling boy. Is that what you want?”
Murphy shook his head.
“I think you should take a few days as well,” Hunny added hesitantly, grimacing slightly when he looked at her in confusion. She nestled closer to Tank, drawing on him for some strength before she continued. “Not just for Nessa’s sake, but for yours, too. You didn’t want to claim her at all, remember, Murphy? Now you’re referring to her as your mate and you want to see her. If it’s only your instincts driving you to care for her because she’s injured, and not genuine interest inher, then being near her right now will only cause more turmoil later on when you have a clear head.”
Murphy stiffened, and then finally he nodded. “You’re right.” He looked toward Tabitha. “Mom, please let me know if you need anything, or if … the human’s condition worsens.”
Tabitha’s eyes shone with compassion. “I will.”
Murphy cleared his throat. “Tonight’s attack will likely bring consequences down on our heads from the shifter community. I need to get ahead of that if I can, so I’ll be in my office at the den house, if I’m needed.” With that, he moved to the exit as if a hoard of demons were chasing him, disappearing into the night a moment later.
“Should I have kept quiet?” Hunny asked the room nervously. She wanted Murphy to be happy, but Nessa was her friend, even if that might not be the case tomorrow. Regardless, she didn’t need to have a territorial male hovering over her if he didn’t plan to let her into his life. If he didn’t plan to earn her trust and love through patience and genuine care.
“You did the right thing,” Tank told her gruffly, rubbing his palm over her tiny bump in comfort. “Murphy knows that, or he wouldn’t have left.”
Tabitha nodded, walking over to them both. “I haven’t had a chance to check in on you, Hunny, but I’m assuming you’re okay since my son hasn’t caused a fuss.”
Tank huffed. “I don’tfuss.”
Snorting at the blatant lie, Hunny slid her hand over his, sending his mom a small, grateful smile. “I’m okay. Thank you, Tabitha.”
“I’m glad to hear that. If something changes, or you feel even the slightest bit unwell, I’ll be in my office all night and tomorrow.” Tabitha paused before adding, “Whether or not Murphy mates with Nessa, she’s family, and I want her to be treated as such while she’s in my care.”
“I really appreciate that.” Hunny smiled again. “Nessa is a good person, and she’s been through a lot, and not just tonight.If anyone deserves kindness, it’s her. Without her, I might not even be here.”
Tank stood up, setting Hunny gently on her feet beside him. “Since Nessa is going to be fine, we’ll head out. Hunny needs to rest.”
“If she’s up for it, I’d love to see her when she’s ready,” Hunny added, her heart in her throat as her fingers intertwined with Tank’s. “I’m sure she probably suspects I’m not human now, but she hasn’t seen me shift, so she might be more open to my company while she’s here.”
At least, Hunny really hoped so.
After a few more minutes of conversation, Tank led her to his truck, and they headed to Murphy’s large cabin. He’d given them a room to stay in until their own home was cleaned up and repaired. The truck ride there was quiet, but she didn’t mind, allowing the silence to process what had happened until her shock and anxiety slipped away.
It wasn’t until they were in the ensuite, naked and in the shower, that Tank said anything.
“I’m glad that this is over and that Jason is dead, but I fucking hate that it happened like this.” Soaping up a wet cloth, he ran it over Hunny’s body, cleaning her thoroughly as he spoke. “I just keep thinking how much worse it could have been. Dante could have killed me on that porch, and I wouldn’t have suspected anything. I was an easy target.”
“I don’t think Dante wanted to hurt anyone,” Hunny explained again, even though they’d had this talk already tonight. “He was put into a bad situation, and he didn’t know how to get out of it while keeping everyone safe. What he did was wrong, but he was screwed no matter what he did. And he did try to help you.”
“I know.” Tank cupped her cheek. He leaned in, pressing his lips firmly over hers. His tongue slid into her mouth, tasting her urgently, like each kiss might be their last. He breathed roughly,pressing her back against the tiled wall as he sagged into her. Dropping the cloth with a wet plop, he curled his arms around her, shuddering hard.
“We’re both okay, Henry,” Hunny murmured when he broke their kiss and settled his mouth on her mating mark in an act of comfort. She ran her hands over his smooth back, seeking her own reassurance. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I’m so grateful I won’t have to find out.”
They stayed like that, his back protecting her from the hot spray of water, his body sheltering hers as they held onto one another, neither one willing to let go.
“I thought about what you said earlier,” Tank admitted a short while later, his voice taking on a dark edge. “If Jason had captured you, and threatened me like he did Dante … I would have betrayedanyoneif it meant keeping you safe. Nothing—no one—else would have mattered to me but you. Not my brothers. Not my parents. Only you.”
“Dante saved my life after putting it in danger. But running away like that after everyone was safe … He took the coward’s way out instead of facing the consequences. Nessa almost died, and as much as Murphy wants to fight the pull he feels toward her, I wouldn’t want him to suffer through that kind of loss. The kind of loss I have felt. Dante needs to answer for that.”
“He will,” Hunny assured her mate, her fingers sifting through his hair as she clung to him. The spray of the water beat down on his healed back, helping to wash away the misery and pain they’d both endured. “What Murphy mentioned earlier; do you think another wolf pack will retaliate against us for killing Jason and the others?”
“I don’t know. The Moon Rose pack is larger than just the wolves who showed up tonight. But if many of the remaining pack are like Angela, scared and abused, they’ll probably flee and never look back.”
Hunny could only hope that was the case. But whatever happened, they’d face it together. If tonight was any kind of example, then the pair of them could withstand almost anything as long as they had each other.