Page 87 of Hunny and the Bear

Who’d even knocked on their door? It must have been someone Tank knew, someone he trusted, otherwise he neverwould have gone out there. And now he was at the mercy of monsters.

Her mate needed her!

“What the hell was that?” Nessa asked, her voice taking on a higher pitch than usual. Head snapping to the front door, the human took a step closer to Hunny until they were both standing side by side, staring nervously ahead. “Did you hear that roar? And the howling? Why did it sound so close?”

Hunny moved around the couch, on autopilot as she raced toward the front door. “I-I have to go out there. Henry’s outside—”

Nessa grabbed her arm, yanking her backward. Hunny collided into the other woman, who kept a firm hold on her. “Are you out of your mind? No, I’m not letting you rush out into some kind of crazy animal fight. I’m sure Tank’s fine.” Nessa’s heart beat as wildly as Hunny’s as another roar shook the cabin, followed by a wolf’s sharp yelp of pain. “Perfectly fine,” she added tightly.

“You don’t understand. He’snotfine. I-I need my phone!” Hunny exclaimed, stumbling over her words as she dragged Nessa along with her toward the kitchen. Had she left it on the dining room table? “I have to call Murphy.” He’d know what to do.

God, she wished they’d bonded her to the bear clan a week ago. It involved a blood exchange between both herself and Murphy, but Tank had been so distraught over everything, she hadn’t wanted to bring up another instance where she’d end up bleeding. And because of that, her mind wasn’t linked to Murphy’s; she couldn’t contact him through anything other than human means.

What if it was too late? What if, in her attempt to spare her mate’s feelings, she’d doomed him? Doomed them both? The dark thought was too much to take.

“What do you think Murphy is going to do aboutwolvesoutside? What is he, some kind of animal whisperer?” Nessa asked incredulously, as they reached the doorway to the kitchen.

Something struck the cabin with a loud bang, and a wolf growled from somewhere behind them. Both women flinched, startled by how close it sounded. It was so close, like it was prowling the porch, searching for a way to come inside. Soon after, they heard a heavy thud, like something had slammed into the ground.

“O-Okay, yeah, maybe we call Murphy,” Nessa agreed immediately. “And like a-a forest ranger, or animal control—”

The front door flew open with a loud smack as it hit the wall, nearly coming off its hinges.

Letting out a yelp of surprise, Hunny spun around, hoping like hell it was Tank rushing into the cabin. Nessa followed her movement, and the stench of the other woman’s sudden fear mixed with her own as they both spotted the male.

It wasn’t Tank standing in the doorway, but Jason, wearing a cocky smirk on his face. More animalistic noises sounded outside, though they seemed further away than they had only seconds before.

“Ah, my darling mate,” Jason crooned, stepping confidently into the house. The door slammed shut behind him, and he slid the deadbolt into place, the sound jarring as silence momentarily descended on them.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Hunny uttered nervously, casting a quick glance around for a weapon. A deterrent. Anything. Nothing was within range, and she didn’t know what she’d use against the shifter anyway. A cushion from the couch? Nessa’s heavy ass purse? Maybe she could swing it around and use it like a flail.

Nessa stiffened, sending a sidelong glance to Hunny. Jason took the rabbit shifter in, ignoring the human altogether, as ifshe were insignificant. “Is that any way to greet the father of your pups?”

Hunny heard Nessa mumble ‘pups’ questioningly under her breath. Steeling her spine, Hunny shouted, “Get out of here, Jason! You are not welcome.”

The smirk on his face dropped. Eyes narrowing, he took a menacing step forward.

“Quiet,” he hissed, and she felt waves of his dominance crash into her. Her legs trembled, knees nearly buckling under the pressure of his power. “You’re going to come with me, Hunny, and we’ll discuss our future together. Now.”

“No!” Hunny cried, her mind in denial even as she took a step forward, unable to evade his command. She took another step, moving closer. Before she could make any true distance, though, Nessa grabbed her arm again, tugging her backward.

“She told you no, asshole, now back thefuckoff!” Nessa yelled, her voice wavering as she pushed Hunny behind her. She stood tall, a protective barrier between them both. Shocked, Hunny could only gape at her friend. Why hadn’t she felt the effects of Jason’s dominance? Even though it had been directed at Hunny, Nessa was human. She should have been cowering in fear, at the very least.

His eyes lit up with surprise, and the control he’d held over Hunny dissolved instantly as he glared at the human. A moment later, hatred replaced his features. Nessa didn’t flinch, but Hunny heard her heart kick up into a frantic rhythm, and she saw a slight tremble run through her body.

Hunny dragged in a shuddering breath, taking in the scent of Nessa’s growing fear and determination at the same time the wolf did. He cocked his head to the side, giving Nessa a cursory glance up and down. “You’re brave for a human. Rebellious, too, but I can beat that out of you in time. Nessa, wasn’t it?”

“I said it once, and I’ll say it again!” Nessa spat. “Fuck off! Tank is going to kick your ass into next week for coming here—” Jason snarled, his eyes flashing an icy, glowing blue. Nessa gasped, backing up so quickly she bumped into Hunny. “What the … what was that? What are you?” she asked faintly.

“Nessa, get back,” Hunny warned, trying to force the human behind her. She didn’t think Jason would hurt her while she was pregnant with what he assumed were pups, but a human? He’d already threatened to beat her into submission. What would he do if she defiantly stood between him and what he wanted?

Something heavy slammed against the front door before landing on the porch with a heavy thud. A pained whimper sounded, and for the briefest second , she looked away from Jason and toward the nearby window, desperate to see if it was Tank who’d made the wounded noise.

There was a flash of movement from the front door. Jason lunged forward, hands outstretched. Reflexes much faster than a human’s, he grabbed Nessa before she even had a chance to react, shoving her roughly out of his way. With a startled scream, she flew into the small living room, hitting the side of the couch and tumbling over it. Hunny heard Nessa’s head hit the coffee table with a sickening crack as she disappeared from view.

Smirking once more, Jason prowled toward Hunny, malevolent energy dogging each step. She stumbled backward to evade him as he herded her into the kitchen. “Now, where were we?”

“Why are you doing this? Just leave, please!” Hunny pleaded, her pretense of bravery fleeing with Nessa. “No one killed Natasha, Jason! Whoever left her body here was setting the bears up!”