Snapping his hips, he filled her up, over and over, each pump punctuated by the door creaking ominously behind her. Hunny writhed on his length, her soft cries spurring him on until he lost all reason, pistoning inside her as he lapped at the honey coating her mating mark, sucking hard on the skin.
Each time he tried to slow down, to pull out, Hunny clawed at his back, driving him right back to the edge until he pounded into her pussy with reckless abandon. He didn’t stop when she spasmed around his cock, her orgasm drenching him. He fucked her through it, only moving from the door when he suddenly realized it might hurt her back.
Dropping onto the couch with Hunny seated in his lap, he smacked her ass firmly, urging her to ride him. His heart pounded fiercely in his chest, his breaths becoming ragged. She leaned forward until they were skin against skin. Nothing separated them. And then she was kissing him sweetly as she began riding him nice and slow.
“I love you,” Hunny murmured.
“I love you, Hunny, so damned much.” Tank held onto her hard, his palms sliding up and down her back, needing to touch her anywhere he could. This was perfect. He didn’t give a damnthat they were covered in honey, or that he’d probably spend half an hour scrubbing them both clean later.
They were going to be alright;allof them. He had to believe that.
Thirty Four
“I’m so happy you could make it out here!” Hunny exclaimed, taking Nessa’s hand. The human’s car was parked in Tank’s driveway, a pickup truck behind it containing either Marcus or Dante, though Hunny had no idea who was who.
Waving at one of the twins as he backed out of the driveway and headed down the road, she pulled Nessa from the front porch and into the cabin, ecstatic the human had taken the long trip up here from town. She hadn’t seen her friend in over a week, and with the threat of Jason and his pack looming still, no one was allowed away from bear territory for the next few weeks.
Even if Murphy hadn’t decreed they were on lockdown, she highly doubted Tank would have been okay with her gallivanting into town to chat when Nessa could just drive out here. It made the most sense, and since Nessa had been fine about being escorted from the start of their territory to the cabin, it was honestly a relief.
She’d had to come up with a ridiculous reason for the escort to placate Nessa’s curiosity, but now the human was convinced Murphy was some kind of eccentric billionaire who had interesting security measures in place.
“Yeah, of course. I’ve heard a lot of wild stories about these woods, so I was honestly dying to come visit.” Nessa kicked off her shoes at the front entrance, looking around the small living room as she took off her jacket. “This place is awesome. Tank’s, I take it?”
“Mine now,” Hunny joked, closing the front door. She grabbed Nessa’s jacket and purse from her, surprised by the heavy weight of the bag. Maybe Nessa was one of those humans that fit her life into her handbag. Smiling to herself, she placed both items on a coat rack mounted on the wall.
“Where is your man, anyway? Lurking silently nearby?” Nessa looked around again, but Hunny had the distinct impression it wasn’tTankshe was searching for.
Deciding to play on a hunch, she pointed to the left. “He’s with Murphy in the kitchen.”
Nessa’s eyes widened, the sound of her heart pounding loud in Hunny’s ears as she whipped her head in that direction. “Oh?”
“I’m kidding.” Hunny snorted. “Murphy’s not here. And Tank’s taking a quick shower upstairs.” He’d been working on the spare room all morning, and since he was adamant about spending a little bit of time with her and Nessa before Jasper showed up to help him work, she’d insisted he clean up beforehand.
“Ah.” Nessa nodded, pursing her lips and looking somewhat disappointed.
“Were you hoping Murphy would be here?” Hunny asked hesitantly. When Nessa narrowed her eyes on the rabbit shifter, she quickly added, “I heard you two got off to an interesting start.”
“Ha! That’s a hell of a way to phrase it.” Nessa followed Hunny into the kitchen, dropping into a kitchen chair with a huff. “I’ve honestly never been so irritated by someone in my life.”
“I’m thinking the Sinclair men have that effect on people,” Hunny commented dryly, taking her own seat across from the human. “Irritating dicks, the lot of them.”
“Seriously? Gross.” Nessa rolled her eyes dramatically and then smirked, drumming her fingers on top of the table. “And to answer your question; no. I wasn’t hoping Murphy would be here.” She slammed her mouth shut, running her tongue over her teeth like she wanted to say something but had changed her mind.
Hunny cocked her head to the side. “What is it? You can tell me, especially while Henry is in the shower.” Her big bear was a nosy male, but he should be too far away to overhear them, and the spray from the showerhead should drown out their voices anyway.
Nessa sighed in agitation, propping her elbows onto the table and leaning forward. “I just … I don’t like Tank’s brother, okay?”
Hunny blinked, wondering just how true that was. “Okay.”
“It’s just—I don’t know. I couldn’t wait for him to leave after we met, but now I keep thinking about him, which is weird. It’s weird, right? I wake up every morning and he’s the first thought on my mind. And I swear I can …” Nessa huffed, looking around as if trying to find someone eavesdropping. She glanced back at Hunny and whispered, “I cansmellhim.”
Hunny stiffened, eyes going as wide as saucers. “You smell him?”
Nessa ran a hand through her brightly colored hair. “Yeah. Does that sound weird? I just can’t get it out of my head. I feel like I’m walking around all the time with his cologne shoved up my nose.”
How could that possibly be? The only explanation Hunny could even dream up was that Murphy had somehow bonded to Nessa, like Tank had bonded to her when they’d mated. He’d told her that when bear shifters mated, their scent attached to their mate. But how could that have happened so quickly? When they hadn’t even touched?
“That’s so interesting,” Hunny replied faintly, unsure of how she should approach the subject.