Hunny tucked her hair behind an ear, sending him a coy smile. “I want it to be a surprise. I have everything I need in the kitchen, and I really want to treat you to a meal since you’re always taking care of me, but if you’re not hungry, I can just make us dinner later.”
Touched by her care, and slightly disappointed she hadn’t been trying to lure him with sex, Tank grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled her back into the heat of his body. Leaning down, he captured her lips in a tender kiss. It wasn’t enough, and it hadn’t been for days.
Eager for relief, he rubbed his erection against her lower belly, hating how little control he had when it came to Hunny. Howcould he resist her if he rubbed his dick all over her like a sex-starved fiend? But he couldn’t help it; the lack of sex between them was killing him, even though he was the reason behind it.
Hunny pulled away abruptly, surprising him even more than before. He knew she’d felt his erection, but instead of reaching for it like she had several times over the last few days, she only patted his bare chest lightly, her fingers running through the tuft of hair there.
Dropping her hand again, she turned back to the cabin, sending a sweet smile over her shoulder. “I’ll have it ready in the next ten minutes, okay?”
Nodding, he watched her walk away, clad only in one of his long T-shirts and a pair of house slippers with cartoon bears all over them. Her smooth legs taunted him as she moved. Before she turned the corner of the house, she lifted her arms up into a high stretch, causing the shirt to slide up her thighs, exposing the underside of her naked, fuckingbeautifulass.
God, he just wanted to take a bite out of those pert cheeks, to spread her apart like a feast and shove his co—
Mouth watering at the sight, Tank took several steps after her before he realized what he’d done. Stopping, he dropped his head, releasing an irritated grumble that vibrated in his throat.
Deciding to distract himself until it was time to head in, he got to work debarking more logs, and soon enough, ten minutes had passed. Moving to the hose hooked up to the side of the house, Tank turned on the faucet, cleaning off his hands before making his way inside. Stepping into the entryway, he closed the door, kicking off his boots before wandering into the kitchen.
He looked up, jaw going slack as he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Are you ready for your meal, Henry?” Hunny purred, sending him a bewitching smile from where she sat on the counter of the kitchen island. She was completely naked, her breasts covered ina glistening, thick drizzle of honey that dripped down her chest, smearing over her belly and the lower lips of her cunt.
“I—” Tank cleared his throat, Hunny’s arousal mixing with the honey coating her body combined into the most intoxicating scent he’d ever experienced in his life. His balls ached, his cock throbbing hard as he tried and failed to remember why going anywhere near his mate was a bad idea. His tongue was thick in his mouth as he swallowed hard, subconsciously taking a step toward her. “What—ah, fuck me. Darlin’, what’s this?”
Hunny looked down innocently at her naked body, and then back at him. Without wasting another second, she dipped her index finger into an open jar of honey sitting on the counter beside her. Popping her finger into her mouth, she sucked slowly, cheeks hollowing. She released a little moan of pleasure that sent a bolt of lust straight to his dick.
He took another involuntary step toward her, and then another, damn near drooling as she scooped up another glob of honey. Expecting her to suck on her fingers again, his eyes widened as she instead slid the honey all over the mating mark at the base of her neck.
Fuck, he wanted to lick her clean. No, he wanted to fuck her covered in that goddamn honey, and then suck every drop of it off her skin. His resolve weakened, lust clawing at his insides, demanding that he act. That he let go of the fears that had plagued him for a week straight now and just give in to his little rabbit.
“I think you’ve avoided me long enough, Henry,” Hunny told him smoothly, sliding her thumb over her hard nipples. They shone in the overhead light, giving a soft, yellowish glow against her creamy skin. “But you can’t avoid sex with me forever.”
Startled at being called out on his behavior, he stumbled over a response. “I-I don’t … I’m not avoiding—”
“Yes, you are,” she cut in confidently. Her eyes briefly flashed with hurt, and then she blinked, a steely determination replacing it. “I get that you’re afraid you’ll hurt me, but you won’t. You didn’t last time, either. And the only way to prove that is for you to screw my freakin’ brains out.”
“Baby,” he rasped. “I want to. Believe me, I do.” But he couldn’t get the image of her bloody thighs out of his head, couldn’t forget how terrified he’d been as he’d driven her to the clinic. What if something like that happened again because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants?
“Then let’s do this,” Hunny whispered, the sensual notes in her voice replaced with a vulnerability he couldn’t ignore. “You’ve been reading those books. You heard Tabitha, too. You know everything’s fine—”
“But I was the reason you bled! The reason you were so scared you’d lose our kits,” he bit out roughly, the memory of it all rushing back in. Some of his desire ebbed, and with a shake of his head, Tank backed away from his mate. “I can’t do that to you again. I won’t.”
“You didn’t do anything to me, Henry. And I know you were as scared as I was, but you can’t hold yourself back from me out of fear.” When he didn’t answer, she threw her hands up in exasperation, her breasts catching his attention as they swayed. “So you’re just not going to have sex with me at all for the next several months? That’s your grand plan?”
“I think that’s best,” he acknowledged, wanting to shove the words back down his throat when her breath hitched and the scent of her hurt overrode the delicious notes of sweet honey in the air.
“But we just didn’t know what to expect, and now we do,” Hunny added, a soft whine in her voice that pierced his heart. “I won’t freak out next time, if it even happens again, I promise—”
“I can’t.” Tank ran a hand through his hair, looking away from her before he could give in. His resolve was hanging by a thread, and he was so close to snapping, to giving Hunny what she needed. Hell, what theybothneeded. But she was right; fear kept him in check when nothing else could.
Turning around, he hissed out a frustrated breath, beelining for the front door. He had no idea where he was going, but he needed out of this cabin before Hunny tore down his defenses completely.
“You can’t just leave in the middle of this!” Hunny exclaimed behind him, her feet hitting the tile as she jumped down from the counter.
“Discussion’s over, Hunny,” he grated out through clenched teeth, reaching the front door. He bent down to pick up his boots, only to grunt in surprise when something smacked his ass. He shot up and spun around, grabbing Hunny’s small hand before she could land another blow. Her breathing was shallow, her breasts heaving as she glared up at him. “Did you justspankme?”
“You’re lucky I didn’t clobber you upside the head just to knock some sense into you!” She tugged on her wrist, trying to break free of his hold, but it was no use. He wasn’t letting her go. Not yet. “Ugh!” Hunny pushed at his chest with her free hand, letting out a little shriek of outrage when he didn’t budge.
“Stop struggling, little rabbit. I’ve made up my mind on this.”