Page 7 of Hunny and the Bear

Where the hell am I?Hunny thought in bewilderment, her nose twitching as she inhaled a strong, delicious scent; a mixture of bear, musk, and cloves filled her lungs. Like an addict, she inhaled again, the trembling in her whiskers giving her away. She eyed the man across from her warily.

No. Not just aman. A bear shifter. And damned if he didn’t look intimidating.

Even sitting across from her on the couch, one large hand wrapped around the other that she’d bitten, every inch of him was menacing. He was tall and well-built, muscles practically bulging through a tight T-shirt. He was tanned, with unruly brown hair and an equally unkempt beard that could use a trim. And his eyes? They were such a dark brown, they appeared almost black. Objectively, he looked mean as hell, but in a way that would heat any female’s blood.

Mentally, she shook herself, hoping to clear that particular thought. She didn’t need to be thinking that anyone,especiallyashifter, had sex appeal. Wasn’t that how she had ended up in this mess?

Speaking of … Was this the same bear she’d caught a brief glimpse of before she’d lost consciousness?

Hunny shifted on her feet, her body immediately protesting against the movement as pain washed over her. Her head ached, her front leg throbbed, and her side was still tender from where she’d hit the tree. The only upside was that her stomach felt fine. She’d once read somewhere that human babies were well protected in the womb, at least in the first trimester, and she suspected that was the case for her as well.

I should shift back. If she did, she’d heal almost instantly. But then, where would that leave her? Naked and vulnerable in an unknown shifter’s home. But if she stayed as a rabbit, at least for now, then she’d be faster and have an easier time hiding if necessary, even wounded.

Although, for some strange reason, she didn’t exactly feel scared or in danger. Ridiculous, really. All of her years living alone and traveling through the States, she’d learned that even if she felt safe, it didn’t mean shewas. A vulnerable woman was easy prey to the wrong person. And this particular male, even though he’d saved her life, was a stranger.

“Are you planning on shifting or just sitting there like a stuffed animal?” the male asked gruffly, dropping his hands to his knees. The sudden movement startled Hunny.

She hissed again, her bushy tail stiffening in agitation.

A choked noise came from him then, and his lips twitched as if he were trying his best not to laugh at her.

She narrowed her eyes menacingly, her body shaking with indignant fury. How dare he find her threat funny! She might be small, but she was a force to be reckoned with. Well, okay. Maybe not as a bunny. But if he actually did laugh at her, she’dhop her injured ass right on over to the front door and shit into his shoes.

Who’d be laughing then, you smug son of a bit—

The male ran a hand through his disheveled hair. A few strands fell into his eyes. “At least, let me finish bandaging your foot. It’s broken, and if you won’t shift, I need to ensure the bone is set.”

Slowly, he leaned forward, grabbing a strip of gauze from beside him before moving a roll of the cloth onto the coffee table on her left. It was then she noticed a plethora of supplies set there: a bowl of water, hydrogen peroxide, etc. What kind of person saved another one from an attack, brought them to his home, and wanted to patch them up?

A good one. At least, Hunny hoped so.

She didn’t move as they stared at one another, trapped in a silent stand-off. Despite the choked sound he’d made only a few moments ago, his eyes lacked any hint of humor. Instead, it was almost like she was gazing into a void. No warmth, no depth, no emotion. But no anger either. Or hatred, nothing like she had seen in both Jason and Natasha earlier.

She’d seen that same blank look reflected in the mirror for years—when she’d felt utterly broken after her parents’ deaths, just going through the motions of life day by day, desperate for some semblance of normalcy. It left her wondering; what had broken him? Had someone died that he’d held dear to him? Not a mate, surely. Usually, when one mate died, the other followed.

Her heart twisted painfully, a brutal reminder that she’d just been rejected by her own mate. Notonlyrejected, but hunted down and nearly mauled to death by his chosen mate, Natasha.

“You gonna let me tend to your wounds, little rabbit?” the male asked, his deep, gravelly voice sliding over her like a warm breeze. Whatever thoughts were bouncing around in her head fled, and cautiously, she took a small step forward.

Fine. She’d let him treat her wounds, if he insisted, and then as soon as he went to sleep, she’d shift, heal, and leave.

Mindful of her front leg, she moved a tad bit closer before daintily holding out the injured limb. Grunting, he moved into her space, his yummy scent growing stronger until Hunny felt like she was bathing in it. She sighed audibly, and his brows shot up in surprise before snapping back down to her wound.

Shockingly gentle for someone so massive, the bear shifter took her paw in one hand, tenderly moving the aching limb. She winced, and he paused, giving her a moment before he carefully began again. Once he was satisfied with how it lay, he began wrapping it, ensuring the gauze covered almost her entire leg. The cloth was tight, but not too painful as he tied it off to secure it.

“Now onto your open wounds.” He grabbed the peroxide and a towel. “This’ll hurt.” He paused, eyeing her speculatively. “No biting.”

Hunny rolled her eyes but remained still as he began treating the rest of her wounds, the liquid burning several spots on her back and side. She made sure to keep her attention focused on him and not the pain, acutely aware of every move he made. She told herself it was out of protection, but in truth, she kind of found her mystery savior intriguing.

She’d never met a bear shifter before, and despite how massive he looked now, she had a feeling he’d still be an impressive size when she was in her human form. What was he? Six-foot-five? Maybe taller?

“Done.” He stood abruptly. Her head tilted back … and then waaaay back as she tried to take all of him in.

Jesus. It’s like looking at a lumberjack gladiator.

Seriously, the guy looked like he could split some wood with his bare hands. And wouldn’t that be a sight to see?

The bear shifter cleared his throat, wincing a bit before he spoke. “I’ll set out some food and water for you.” He moved quickly away from the couch and out of her line of sight. He was quiet, only the sounds of drawers opening and dinnerware scraping lightly together giving away his location. After a few minutes, he returned, holding two small metal bowls.