“Henry! Don’t do that; I almost messed up.”
Grumbling an apology, he took a long drink, enjoying the soothing sensation of melted honey as it slid down his throat. It was the only thing that made this concoction tolerable. Once he finished draining the cup, he continued. “Point is, if she’s in trouble, it’s Murphy’s problem now. He’ll handle it, especially if you make him aware of the issue.”
“That’s good, I guess.” Hunny sighed again. “Apparently he was a dick on the phone to Nessa, though, so I can’t imagine she’ll let him help. Especially since she doesn’t know what we are. She’ll probably just think he’s some weirdo trying to get into her business.”
“He is.”
Hunny laughed abruptly, the sound warming him from the inside out. “I love the relationship you have with your family, Henry. I always wanted to have siblings, but I wasn’t that fortunate.”
“Well, you’ve got a shitload of them now, little rabbit.”
“When do you think I’ll meet the rest of your family? Your dad and your other brothers?”
Tank stiffened slightly at that, taken aback by the question. “I’m not sure. My middle brother, Reece, ran into a bit of trouble last year, and my dad and other brother have been helping him sort it out for a while now.”
“Oh.” Hunny tilted her head. “What kind of trouble?”
“It’s difficult to explain.” Tank hated that he was being so cagey. The situation was as complicated as it was unique, and he didn’t want her to think so little of his brother.
“Henry, why are you being so weird right now?” Hunny asked bluntly, seeing right through him. “You can just tell me you don’t want to talk about this part of your life.”
Tank sighed, running a hand down his face. “I want to tell you all about my life, little rabbit. I just … I don’t want you to get the wrong impression about Reece.”
“Hey,” Hunny said softly, moving to stand in front of him. She fit between his legs, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck as she gazed down at him. “You and your family have done more for me in a matter of weeks than anyone ever has before. Whatever you’re hesitant to tell me, I won’t care what it is. I won’t judge you or anyone else, Henry. I just want to know moreabout you. But if you don’t want to talk about it right now, that’s okay.”
“I know, baby.” And he did. Placing his hands on her hips, Tank pulled Hunny into his lap, nuzzling her neck. Giving her throat a lingering kiss, he murmured, “Reece has a difficult time distinguishing his baser, animalistic instincts from his more human nature. It makes him more volatile, and quick to anger. Last year, he came to the defense of a human woman who he witnessed getting attacked by a human male. Reece lost control, shifted and ripped the male apart.”
“Oh my God.” Hunny gasped, pulling Tank closer. “A human watched him shift? What happened next?”
“She agreed to say a bear attacked them and that she escaped. The police believed her. Who wouldn’t? Reece’s twin, Gunnar, and my dad have been up there with Reece ever since, trying to get him under control.”
Hunny leaned back, cupping his face gently. “Why doesn’t Reece just come home?”
“He refuses to leave the woman. He’s obsessed with her, even though she’s terrified of him.” Not even Murphy demanding Reece return home was enough to pull the male away. A command from an Alpha should have penetrated the haze of Reece’s mind, the compulsion too much to resist. But as a dominant shifter and in his half-feral state, Murphy’s command had been all but useless.
“Do you think she’s safe with him so close?”
Tank didn’t know, and neither did his family, which was why they were currently divided. As if she were in tune with his thoughts, Hunny hummed, giving him a quick kiss before pushing back to her feet.
“Alright, my big bear,” Hunny said lovingly. “Let’s finish your hair, and then I’ll grant you the pleasure of watching me getnaked, shift, and put together the most badass nest you’ve ever seen.”
His lips twitched. He could already picture it; Hunny burrowing a small hole in his yard and stuffing it with fur and grass to conceal the opening. She wouldn’t put her actual kits in there, obviously, but her instinct to make a nest couldn’t be neglected, and he didn’t want it to be either.
Tank squeezed her hips gently before he reluctantly let go. “What if, after I watch you get naked, I sat you on the counter and ate your pussy for dinner instead? I’ll cookyoudinner afterward, andthenI’lltake you outside so you can build your nest.”
It sounded like a reasonable idea to him, and his dick agreed wholeheartedly.
She narrowed her eyes menacingly. “We both know if you get anywhere near my lady bits, we’re not stopping until we’re both passed out on the kitchen floor with bodily fluids everywhere.”
“Are you suggesting that’s a bad thing?” Because it sounded perfect.
Hunny wrinkled her nose dramatically, but it wasn’t enough to conceal the lust dancing in her eyes, or the scent of her arousal as it permeated the air. “Alright, fine. You talked me into it. But onlyafterI finish cutting your hair.”
With that, she began chopping away confidently, whistling lightly as she worked. It was peaceful, and Tank nearly fell asleep before he remembered something from earlier today.
“My mom sent a few links to birthing videos for us to watch when we have time,” Tank mentioned.
“What?!” There was a loud snip, followed by Hunny’s swift, “Oh, shit.” That didn’t sound good at all. As Tank turned his head to the side, Hunny grabbed his face, awkwardly turning it until he was facing forward once more. “Keep your head straight, Henry, otherwise I’m going to mess up!” she exclaimed.