“They all talk too much.”
Hunny snorted, patting the hand on her thigh sympathetically. “Oh, you’re in for a rude awakening with me then. Contrary to the last few days, I love to talk.”
Tank released a low laugh, the sound causing heat to pool low in her belly. “Oh, I’ve noticed.”
She scoffed at him in mock outrage. “Rude. And there’s no way you’ve noticed, Henry. The first day I was a rabbit, and then we watched TV and slept.”
She blushed, remembering just how nice she’d felt waking up in his arms. How warm and protected she’d felt cuddling up to her very own grizzly bear.
He sent her a cocky look. “You’re a talker, darlin’. Got an air about you, even when you can’t form words.”
“‘An air’ about me?” She wrinkled her nose. “What does that even mean?”
“You’re a yapper. Even as a rabbit, your little body just vibrates when you’ve got something to say. You squeak almost constantly.”
He cleared his throat with a grimace. Shit, she’d completely forgotten he didn’t talk a lot because it hurt him, and here she was,yappingaway.
She leaned over, shoving at his shoulder playfully. “I can’t believe you just called me ayapper.”
Tank smirked, sending her a heated look.
Her breath froze in her lungs, a lightning bolt of desire slamming right between her thighs. Slick pooled from her core,drenching her panties instantly, and her mind went blank as his gaze shifted back to the road, completely oblivious to the fact that he’d just reduced her to a molten pool of need in less than two seconds flat.
What the hell was wrong with her? It felt like he’d just ripped her clothes off and demanded she spread her legs for him without even saying a word. At the thought, a naughty image of doing just that formed in her head, and her desire skyrocketed, more of her own arousal spilling between her thighs. Suddenly, she could almost feel his hand moving up her thigh and pushing between her legs, his fingers wandering—
Nope. No! Stop thinking like that! He’ll scent that you’re horny, bitch. Think about anything else!
But Hunny couldn’t think of anything that didn’t revolve around Tank, and unfortunately, the only true thought that came to mind was Jasper joking about how much Tank loved honey.
Even more unfortunately, all she could envision was Tank licking honey from his fingers. Only it wasn’thoney. It was her slick drenching his fingers as he sucked them into his mouth with a delicious groan of need rumbling from his throat—
“Nothing wrong with having a yapper around.” Tank’s deep voice startled her from her thoughts. She almost shoved his hand away from her, his touch only turning her on more.
“Hm? Oh, oh! Yep. That’s me. Certified yapper,” Hunny replied hoarsely, reaching toward the vents on the dashboard. “Is it hot in here? Some A/C would be phenomenal.”
It would also dilute the scent of her arousal. God, what if he already smelled it in the truck? She’d never be able to look at him again! Before he could answer, Hunny turned the air conditioner on full blast. Cold air smacked her in the face, blowing back her hair and making it difficult to keep her eyes open.
“So much better,” she told him, even as she shivered from the icy air, the temperature at war with the rest of her body.
He frowned. “You’re cold.”
“Me? Oh, no.Totallyfine. I love being cold, actually. Just … Ah—”
Hunny was so mortified with herself that she didn’t even realize they’d pulled into town, not until Tank drove into a parking lot in front of a large department store. He parked the truck, turning off the engine.
“Oh, thank God!” Hunny exclaimed, ripping off her seatbelt and jumping from the truck as if the devil were chasing after her. She shut her door and raced to his side, prying his door open. “Come on.” She hurriedly gestured for him to get the fuck out of the vehicle. “We don’t want to be here around all these icky people any longer than necessary,” she joked forcefully.
Sending her a perplexed look, Tank hopped from the truck.
She was so caught up with her own dilemma, she didn’t even notice the large bulge in Tank’s jeans as he followed after her.
Tank was hard as a rock as he followed Hunny blindly toward the first department store, the scent of her arousal still filling his senses. He wasn’t sure what the hell had caused his little rabbit to become so turned on while he drove her here, but thank fuck for whatever it was.
He didn’t even mind that every step he took made his balls ache; Hunny smelled divine. Good enough to eat, and Tank was suddenly starving. Inhaling discreetly, he swallowed thickly as his mouth watered.