“Hunny?” Tabitha inquired, her voice filled with concern. “Are you alright?”
“N-no. I-it’s too hot. It’s too hot and H-Henry won’t w-want me here,” Hunny stuttered, her lungs on fire. She couldn’t breathe.
He was going to toss her out, just like Jason had. He’d decide she wasn’t worth the trouble. Just like—
“You’re having a bit of a panic attack,” Tabitha murmured soothingly, but it did nothing to calm Hunny down. “Take a deep breath for me,” Tabitha instructed, but the words sounded muffled, far away, like the other woman was talking under water.
Besides, she couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t the other woman see that she was trying?
I can’t breathe—
“I need to get out of here!” Hunny exclaimed, rushing to the stairs. With every step she took down, she felt like she was being chased, forced out of the only place she’d felt safe in years. It was all going to end. It always did. It was over. Her feet hit the living room floor, and she raced to the front door.
She needed to get out. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t—
Hunny burst out of the cabin and onto the porch. The feeling of cool wood on her bare feet barely registered as she stormed down the small steps and into the front yard. She tried sucking in a ragged breath, but her lungs felt too tight, her airway constricted.
“Tank!” Tabitha shouted from somewhere behind her. Footsteps pounded on the ground in the distance. Or maybe it was her heart threatening to give out.
“Can’t breathe,” Hunny gasped, her hands shaking as she clutched at her chest, her eyes wild. She stared at the world around her, not comprehending anything as her pulse roared in her ears. Was she having a heart attack? “I can’t, I can’t—”
Strong arms wrapped around her waist; clovers, musk, and berries invading her senses. Instinctively, Hunny whipped around, throwing herself into Tank’s chest with a small cry.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” he asked darkly, his gruff voice ripping through the harsh pounding in her ears until the feeling eased enough that she didn’t feel like something foul had swallowed her whole. He ran a big hand down her damp hair, petting her tenderly. She didn’t even realize she was shaking in his arms until he murmured, “It’s alright, Hunny. You’re okay.”
“This is my fault,” Tabitha muttered softly from somewhere behind Hunny.
“What did you say to her?” Tank snapped, his voice growing harsh.
“Don’t take that tone with me, Henry Sinclair,” Tabitha replied quickly. She exhaled a moment later. “I didn’t realize she was unaware she’d likely have multiple kits. I mentioned it, and …” Her voice trailed off.
Great, now that he knew, he was going to want her gone.
Hunny burrowed closer to Tank’s body, burying her face in the warmth of his bare chest, wanting to soak up this last moment between them before everything went tits up.
“Huh.” Tank’s arm tightened around her waist reassuringly, and he cupped the back of her neck, holding her securely to him like he didn’t plan on letting her go. Then he said the strangest possible thing. “Jasper, we’re definitely going to need more wood.”
That news was surprising, to say the least. Wholly unexpected, actually. Not just to Tank, but to Hunny as well, given the way she trembled in his arms. Adding on one bedroom and an extra bathroom wouldn’t be enough. Not for long. He’d need at least two bedrooms. Doable, if he started working on it in the next few weeks.
He sent a quick glance to Jasper. “We’ll probably need Murph and the others if we want to get it all done in a timely manner.”
Hunny took a shuddering breath, burying herself more firmly into him. He enjoyed holding her, comforting her when she felt upset, though it drove him mad she felt this way to begin with. He didn’t want his little rabbit to feel anything but safe and cared for while she stayed with him. Especially in her condition.
Didn’t stress cause complications for pregnant females? His brow creased as concern rippled through him.
Unable to help himself, he sent his mother a hostile look, a reprimand on the tip of his tongue. His mom would likelypummel him for berating her, but he was protective of Hunny, and he didn’t want another incident like this to occur.
Not from anyone, especially his family.
As if sensing his incoming rant, Tabitha narrowed her eyes, giving Tank a firm shake of her head. Daring him to say something.
Hunny sniffled then, drawing his attention back to her. “It’ll be alright,” he rasped, tangling a hand into her damp hair. She smelled like his shampoo and body wash, and possessiveness filled him as he dragged her scent deep into his lungs.
The blending of their scents was intoxicating, stirring up several images into his head, and every single one of them was more carnal than the last. Images of her laying in his bed, spending her nights beneath him as he pumped his cock into her—