I feel bad asking—it’s only been a few hours.
“We don’t know yet. But it’s odd for the vampire to leave Paul’s driving licence without leaving…” He pauses, watching for my reaction.
“His body,” I rasp.
“We might find him in a couple of days—or not at all.”
A chill settles over me. I don’t want him to be dead. Miserable? Yes. Dead? No.
Maybe the vampire is using Paul as bait—how sporting.
“Do we know who he is?” I ask, my throat tight.
“We do?” My mouth falls open.
“His name is Leonidas,” Merrick says grimly. “He is an old vampire. He used to serve on the Vampire Council about two hundred years ago—long before my time as the Alpha Prime. They have been keeping tabs on him. I’ve got a full dossier.”
“Can I see it?”
He hesitates. “Are you sure? It’s not light reading.”
“Yes, please.”
“All right,” he relents. “Why don’t you get changed, and I will meet you in my apartment?”
“Okay. Thank you. Oh, and Merrick? Ilovethe pink cushions—thank you so much.” I beam a smile at him.
His icy blue gaze drops to my lips for just a second, and he visibly restrains himself, chuckling under his breath as he steps back. “You are going to be the death of me,” he murmurs, voice low. Then he prowls to the door.
He pauses, looking back at me with a soft, lingering expression, before gently closing it behind him.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Whatever he is imagining,he can forget it. Yes, he’s seen a glimpse of my bare skin by accident, and sure, we have kissed—once. It was the kiss to end all kisses, an epic kiss, but I’ve got bigger things on my plate.
I know life is fleeting, and part of me thinks I should be climbing Merrick like a tree—but I won’t. Not yet. I have so many things I’m dealing with, and adding intimacy to the mix isn’t wise, especially when my wolfish hormones are all over the place.
The least he can do is take me on a proper date.
I slip out of my pyjamas and into something comfortable: leggings and a jumper. After a quick check in the mirror, I pad down the hall and knock on his door.
“Come in,” Merrick calls.
Stepping inside, his scent hits me like a tidal wave. It’s everywhere, saturating the room, wrapping around me. The man smells ridiculously good—cedarwood and leather, with a warm hint of amber. My wolf stirs, and a wild part of me wants to roll around on the carpet to soak it in. Must be a wolf thing, because that’s just plain weird.
The thick grey carpet muffles my steps as I cross to his sofa and sink into it. Merrick’s apartment blends the building’s gorgeous architecture with a sleek, modern twist. It feels effortlessly elegant yet lived in—a reflection of its owner. If this is just his temporary accommodation, I’d love to see his permanent home.
“Do you want a drink?” he asks.
After running through a few suggestions, I opt for coffee. As he wanders off to make it, I can’t help checking him out. Bare feet, grey, low-slung jogging bottoms, and a white T-shirt clinging to every sculpted muscle. The man is a walking dream.
“The laptop’s on the side,” Merrick calls from the kitchen. “No password. You will find the information on the desktop.”
“Okay, thanks.”
I pick up the sleek device and open it. There’s a detailed report on Leonidas. No recorded last name—maybe a string of them over the centuries, lost to time. Who knows? What is clear is that this vampire is ancient, around two thousand years old, and one of the last of the oldest vampires.