Page 80 of Bitten Shifter

“Here, let me.” She sits me down and begins French-plaiting the strands, weaving them close to the scalp into two neat plaits—sleek, practical, and impossible to grab. Fancy combat-ready pigtails.

“You are a hero,” I tell her when she’s done. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’d better get going.”

“I’m so sorry for keeping you so late.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t usually work these hours. The Alpha Prime’s rarely here—he spends most of his time in the Capital. I manage things in the Enterprise Zone, so having him here for three months has been… unusual.”

“I bet it’s been a long three months.”

She shakes her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. “No. It’s been good. I’m glad he met you. You have softened him—and made him stronger.”

Her words catch me off guard, but I smile and give her a quick side hug.

After slapping on some moisturiser, I leave the apartment and follow the distant hum of voices and movement. It leads me to a door that’s slightly ajar—beyond it lies a weapons storage room. An armoury.

The men and women joining us are gearing up. The air hums with preparation—boots thudding, weapons clicking, quiet orders exchanged. Riker, ever casual in the chaos, slings a spare jacket over his arm.

“Ah, there you are,” he says with a grin. “Look at you, all military chic.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, a real shifter fashionista. Shifter Lara Croft is the look of the season.”

He wiggles the jacket at me. “Unfortunately, you will hate this addition. It’s going to be hot as hell, so don’t put it on just yet. When it’s go-time—busting down doors, kicking arse—you will need this.”

I take the jacket from him and nearly drop it. “Bloody hell, what’s this made of? Concrete?”

“Bulletproof. Spellproof. Top-tier shifter military tech,” Riker says smugly. “Merrick would wrap you head-to-toe in this stuff for the rest of your life if he thought he could get away with it. I’d check your wardrobe after this—bet it’s already been replaced with magic-proof everything.”

I dig my elbow into his ribs, and he laughs, unfazed.

Merrick strides in, prowling toward us with that lethal mix of authority and warmth. His eyes flick between me and Riker, and without a word, he bumps his shoulder against mine.

I frown and try to step away, only to be spun back into his hold, his arm snug around my waist. Bloody touchy-feely shifter.

“Let’s get you outfitted,” he says, guiding me toward the walls of weapons. “Can you fire a gun?”

“No. But I discovered I’m pretty good with a dart gun.”

Merrick arches a brow, amused, and hands me a solid dart gun—sleek, familiar. “This one’s loaded with tranquilliser darts strong enough to drop any derivatives.”

He starts filling my pockets like I’m a walking arsenal—knives, extra darts, torches, little gadgets I don’t even question. I take it all because, honestly, it makes me feel better to have something—anything—on me.

Then Merrick pulls something delicate from his pocket: a new necklace, its blue vial shimmering faintly in the light. It’s identical to the one I used a few days ago. He steps behind me and fastens it around my neck with careful hands, taking extra care not to disturb my newly-plaited hair.

His touch lingers. “There,” he murmurs.

“Thank you,” I whisper, tucking the vial safely under my top.

He cups the back of my neck gently, his thumb brushing my jaw as he leans closer. “Promise me you will use that for yourself this time. Not anyone else.”

“I can’t promise that,” I reply, honesty winning out.

Merrick sighs, his frustration visible as he closes his eyes for a moment. When he opens them, his gaze grows gentle. “I know. It’s not in you. And that’s why I love you—not just because we’re fated mates, but because of who you are. I’ve never met anyone so selfless.”

The air evaporates from my lungs. “Selfless? I wouldn’t say that,” I stammer, my heart thundering as his confession sinks in. “You… love me?”

“Yes,” he says simply, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Of course I love you. You are very easy to love. Don’t worry—you don’t have to say it back. I just didn’t want us to walk into danger without you knowing.”