The horrified man, the object of her wrath, steps out of the lift. He looks as if he’s just been smacked in the face by reality. His panicked gaze darts to the blonde woman lingering behind him, then back to the redhead. He raises his hands in a futile display of innocence. “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Yeah, sure, buddy,” I mumble, sliding my signed documents into my laptop bag.
“It’s a business meeting!” he insists, his voice rising as he edges closer.
She lets out a bitter laugh. “A business meeting that lasted all night? Do I look stupid to you?” Her voice cracks, but she holds her ground, shaking her head like she’s trying to clear the betrayal from her mind. She takes a step back as though his presence physically repels her.
Desperate now, he lowers his voice and leans toward her. “Dayna, you’re making a scene. Let’s go home and talk about this. Please.”
“No!” she snaps, jerking away from him. Her finger jabs into his chest with each word. “You are a liar. A cheater. I saw the messages. I know everything.” She whirls to point at the blonde woman by the lift. “And you! You’re a whore!”
The blonde woman’s lips curl in a smirk. She steps forward, her hips swaying in a way that feels calculated, tucking a strandof hair behind her ear. Her chin tilts up, the picture of smug confidence.
My stomach twists. It’s probably my own scars talking, but I despise her on sight.
“Dayna, stop,” the man growls, trying to grab her wrist again.
She yanks her arm away with a glare that could melt steel. “No. Do not touch me. And don’t come back home. I will have your bags ready for you to pick up. We’re done. I want a divorce.”
The lobby falls silent, save for the hum of the vending machines. People have stopped to stare; some whisper, while others pull out their phones to film. My hands grip my bag’s strap like it’s the only thing anchoring me.
“Where’s the damn hotel security?” I mutter, casting a look towards the reception desk. A staff member is on the phone, talking frantically.
Watching this unfold makes me feel sick. Is the entire world cheating? I fidget with the strap of my bag, torn between wanting to scream,“Leave him! Leave him!”and rushing over to hug the poor woman, telling her she will survive this—that it will hurt, but she will get through.
Even though I know that’s not always true.
The blonde wraps herself around the man’s arm, pressing her body to his. Her voice turns syrupy and mocking. “Darling, what’s all this about? Who’s this woman?”
Dayna’s expression is pure rage. “I’m hiswife.”
The blonde lets out a theatrical gasp, her hand fluttering to her chest. “Oh, the ex-wife. The mad one, right?”
“Is that what you told her?” Dayna’s voice trembles with rage and heartbreak. “That I’m crazy? What about our kids? Are they crazy too?” Her face crumples as reality crushes her, and her voice drops to a whisper. “Oh God, what am I going to tell the girls?”
Kids. Oh no. My chest aches for her, for them, for everything they are about to go through.
“Kids?” The blonde smirks, her tone laced with mockery.
She knows.She bloody well knows, and it only cements how much I hate people.
“Yes,” Dayna snaps. “Our three children. Three little girls. We have been married for ten years—happily, I thought. But I guess now I’m your ex.” A sad laugh cuts through the air like a blade. “Fine. You can have him.Shecan have you.” She turns sharply, ready to leave.
But the blonde chuckles, low and mean. “You’re right. She is mad. Come on, darling, let’s go back to bed.”
“Shut up, Jennifer,” the man growls, trying to shake her off.
The redhead freezes mid-step, then spins back, her eyes brimming with tears and fury. Anger radiates off her like heat from a bonfire. “Let’s go back to bed,” she snarls, venom dripping from every word.
Uh oh.
Her trembling hand dives into her coat pocket and pulls out a sleek, six-inch wand of polished dark wood. My stomach drops.
She’s a mage.
Oh no.
Jennifer also whips out a wand.