Page 72 of Merrick

They argued about her wedding dress.

“I am paying for my own damn dress. I might not have the kind of money you have, but I have savings, and I happen to know what I want.”

“I have seen your wardrobe!” He held up a hand as she hissed at him. They had gone to meet her aunt, and the woman had been utterly charmed by him. She and Janey and Maurice had cometo some sort of truce, and she realized that Merrick had a lot to do with it.

The precinct was buzzing with the news about her upcoming wedding to the man she had been investigating a short time ago and the press was having a field day with it. His people had issued a statement as a way of getting them to leave her alone, but one or two reporters still found their way into ambushing her when she went to work.

She also refused to wear her square cut diamond engagement ring to work and that caused another argument.

“What if I lost it? Or go out on a raid and get robbed? I am a cop for crying out loud. What are people going to say when they see me wearing big ass diamonds?”

“That you are engaged to a wealthy man. That you are mine, that it is a symbol of our love for each other. The ring is insured if you are worried about theft. Or is there something else? Like your partner for instance. Was there something going on there?”

She had given him an incredulous stare. “We had a moment, once – years ago and nothing after that. You cannot possibly be jealous of him.”

He had felt foolish even bringing it up, but where she was concerned, he was unreasonable.

“I would like you to wear the ring.”

She had compromised and was wearing it on a chain around her neck. The things she did for love, she thought darkly.

Now she was dressing to go out and tie herself to a man for the rest of her life. And she was not wearing white, because that would be just plain stupid and lacking in class. Not that she was a fashion expert or anything.

Which was why she had sought the advice of one who was. Monique Romano had come through for her and had taken her call personally, welcoming her to some sort of ‘clique’- but she would have to get used to that.

The dress had cost the earth, and she had balked at the price, but as Monique reminded her, this was the only time she was ever getting married.

“And you might want to accept the fact that Merrick is a very wealthy man and has a certain standing in society.” She said in her gentle voice. “It took me a while to get used to being married to a man of substance. Even now, I find myself wondering how come.”

The dress was a stunning electric blue with a cowl neckline, with straight lines, clinging to her curves. It was not long, just slightly below her knees.

The sleeves were tight and reached to a point at her wrists. He had given her diamond earrings and necklace to go with the engagement ring. Her hair had been styled by a professional who had arranged it into a soft coil at the nape of her neck.

“You have such a graceful throat. It would be a sin not to show it off.”

Her shoes were painted to match her dress, and she was sure she was going to slip and fall flat on her ass and end up disgracing both of them. But they looked good on her.

She looked up when her aunt came bustling into the bedroom. She had stayed at her place for the night, overriding Merrick’s protests.

“My dear!” The woman gushed, blinking behind her glasses. “How lovely you are. That young man is going to be unable to take his eyes off you.”

“That’s the plan.” She was not nervous, but anxious to get it over and done with.


“As I will ever be.” She flashed the woman a grin. “Let’s go get me hitched.”


They had planned for a small ceremony, but at the end, it had turned out to be larger than they expected. They were getting married in the small chapel she attended since she joined the academy.

The decorations had been done by the ladies of the church and Margo had no idea where they got so many flowers in the height of winter. But she suspected her fiancé had something to do with it.

Commander Williams was waiting for her as soon as she stepped out of the limousine, bundled up against the frigid January weather.

“You look unlike a cop, Sullivan.” He murmured as he took her arm and guided her towards the entrance. “And that’s a compliment.” He added before she could respond.

“Thank you, sir.” And may I say, how sharp you are in your tux.”