“On what charges?”
“Possession of illegal drugs, intent to distribute and possibly murder.”
“What?” They turned to see Maurice hurrying into his son’s suite followed by Merrick and Michael. “You cannot possibly think…”
He broke off as his wife hurled herself into Merrick’s arms and burst into tears.
Margo saw the flash of pain on the man’s face and had to force herself not to drag the woman out of Merrick’s arms. That bitch.
“Merrick.” Maurice sent him a desperate glance.
“Don’t say a word.” Patting Janey on the back, he put her away from him. “Call our lawyers.” He glanced at Margo, the contempt causing her to flinch. “Detective Sullivan, may I have a word, alone?”
“Okay, let’s wrap this up, I’ll be down shortly.”
Merrick saw her partner hesitating and his mouth tightened as he wondered if they were sleeping together.
He waited until the room had emptied out. Looking around the tan and green room and the upheaval, he turned to face her. “You’re very good at your job.”
“I am.”
He nodded. “I have been asking myself how I could have fallen in love with someone like you. I am usually an excellent judge of character, has to be, considering the kind of business I am.” She stuck her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, causing the jacket to shift and reveal her shoulder holsters.
“Were you carrying all the time you were with me?”
“Yes. I always carry.”
He thought he was numb to the pain, but that was just wishful thinking. The pain of betrayal ripped at him and caused him to stagger.
“You really are a soulless bitch aren’t you?”
The insult pierced her heart and for a minute, she could not catch her breath. “If you say so.”
“I loved you.” He said quietly, suddenly feeling every bit of his age. “I would have laid everything at your feet.”
“I am not that type of woman. I am simple and…”
“Just about the job.” He nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets to avoid marching over and shaking her. She was all cop, and he had seen that when he came in and watched her in command. And she was the one running the show.
“I hope you get your collar and a promotion. I will be talking to my lawyers to see what can be done.”
“That’s your right.” She turned to leave and hesitated. Looking at him over her shoulder, she allowed herself to take in the set look on his attractive face and felt the ache deep inside her.
“Not everything was a lie, and I don’t expect you to believe that.”
“I don’t. Get out.”
She walked down the stairs; past Michael who was shooting her accusing looks and Maurice who was holding a weeping Janey in his arms and felt the weight of the job weighing her down.
“You okay?” Brad was waiting for her next to the car.
“Yeah. We got what we wanted. Any word on Jason?”
“Not yet, but he will surface. Got to be running scared.”
She nodded and went around to the passenger side of the vehicle. Brad wondered if she noticed that she had not jumped into the driver’s seat.
Sliding in behind the wheel, he wisely kept his thoughts to himself as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. The entire thing had been hard on her and he had no idea what to do about it. He had seen the way Merrick Pendergast looked at her and her reaction to his presence.