Page 58 of Merrick


He took his drink with him and sat on the edge of the bed. The time spent with Grace had been pleasant enough, but he couldn’t wait to get away and be alone with his thoughts. Seeing her brought back the painful memories of what had happened.

Twirling the glass around in his hand, he was oblivious to the sumptuous luxury of his suite. The royal blue and cream décor meant nothing to him. He had stayed here a few times before and the staff had always been gracious, bending over backwards to accommodate him.

The manager, a small meticulous man had hurried out to greet him and escorted him personally to his suite with the promise to send up some refreshments. He had told the man he was all right for tonight, but at the look of consternation on his face, he had reluctantly agreed for something to be sent up.

He took a sip of the bourbon and let his thoughts drift to the past. To Laura. He remembered her ready smile, the richness of her dark brown hair and the sparkle in her hazel eyes.

She had loved him- perhaps more than he had loved her. She had done everything to please him and sometimes it irritated him that she was so eager to please him.

He had acknowledged to himself that was the reason he had put off marrying her. Downing the liquor, he also admit to himself that he had met his match in Margo.

Chapter 13

“Something to drink?”

He knew he was prevaricating, but the dread was like a ball inside his chest, and Matthew could damn well wait before his life unended.

“Of course. The usual.” Matthew put away the folder he had been about to hand to him and went with the flow. What was revealed in there could wait. It could wait because it was going to blow his employer to bits. “Cold out.”

“Yes.” Merrick poured two glasses of blended scotch and was surprised his hands were so steady. He was trembling inside. He could hear it from the tone of his friend’s voice that it was bad.

“Fall is officially here.” Taking a breath, he walked over and handed the man the glass. Going back to his desk, he sat on the edge of it and lifted his own glass to his lips.

“How is Marianne?” He asked, referring to Matthew’s wife.

Love glowed and shimmered in the man’s eyes at the mention of the name. “Still pottering about in her greenhouse. She wants you to come over for dinner when you can swing it. Has this organic mushroom going on and wants to try it out.”

“And the boys?”

“Chad is bent on becoming a musician and Eric is doing very well in that software firm.” Matthew gave him a grateful look. “Thanks to you. When the company bought it, you put him in charge.”

“And he’s doing a marvelous job turning things around.” He finished his drink and went to sit behind his desk. “What did you find?”

He saw when his friend hesitate and felt his belly tying up in knots.

“I can take it.”

“You are involved with her?”

“I am, yes.”


“That bad?” He asked grimly.

“See for yourself.” Matthew brought the folder over to him. “If you want to be alone?”


“Okay.” Matthew finished his drink and left the room, closing the door behind him.

It took him a few minutes to open the folder and was not prepared for the intense longing when he saw the glossy black and white photo of her. It was a candid shot and showed her sitting on a park bench, her face slightly lifted as if enjoying the glow of the sun. She was wearing a jogging outfit which molded to her curves like a glove.

Her hair was in a ponytail, and he could see the moisture on her skin. The photo did not do her justice, because it could not reveal the flawlessness of her complexion or the directness of her lovely mahogany eyes.

Nor had it been able to capture the lushness of her bottom lip. Feeling like a damn fool, he used the tip of his index finger to trail a path over her face.