Page 44 of Merrick

Firming her lips, she shoved from the desk and made her way from her office. The change in shifts had started and the squad room was filling up. The scent of bad coffee and Lysol permeated the air. Two officers had a suspect sandwiched between them, the man protesting his innocence.

A woman with a garishly made-up face and wearing a crotch high black skirt and fish net stockings was mouthing to another officer and overall, it was the general state of chaos that had in the past brought her pleasure and amused her.

But she was carrying a heavy weight and could not think beyond what was happening to her and what her commander wanted with her.

“He said to go straight through.” The woman who guarded his desk, barely looked up from the computer.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and felt her heart slamming against her ribs when she saw Brad standing by the window.

Bracing herself for the worse, she stood there facing her commander.


“Please have a seat.”

“I prefer to stand, sir.” If she was going to be asked to turn in her badge and shield, she would take it standing.

He stared at her – his face expressionless.

“Suit yourself.”

“The mayor wants a press release.”

She simply stared at him and did not dare look over at Brad. She had been given a grace period, or this was a trap.

“A press release, sir?”

“I already told the commander that would be a mistake.”

She looked at Brad then and saw the warning in his gaze. He had not sold her out.

“I agree with Brad, sir. A press release would only add fuel to the fire, and we do not have enough to give to the public.”

Leaning back in his chair with the old leather squeaking, he stared at her for so long that she was tempted to shift from one foot to the next.

“You are working on Merrick Pendergast. I assume that you have made contact?”

Scrupulously avoiding her partner’s gaze, she kept hers trained on the man behind the desk.

“Contact has been made, sir.”


She just stopped herself from shoving her hands into her pockets. “I’m making progress.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“it means she has established a rapport with the suspect and is making some headway.”

Both the commander and Margo turned to stare at Brad.

“Sir, I need a little more time,” she offered, sending Brad a warning glance.

“That is what we’re running out of and if anyone else turns up dead, we’re out of time. Wrap this up and fast. Dismissed.” He waved a hand and sent them on their way.

They waited until they had cleared the offices before he spoke.

“You thought I had ratted you out.” The voice was accusatory and had her looking up at him.