Hunkering over her, he rid himself of his sodden shirt and hated that he had to stand to take off his sweatpants. But he did not spend much time doing so. He was afraid that she would take the opportunity to bolt, and he could not afford that.
She had her head turned away and was still when he removed the borrowed shorts. He would soon fix that; he decided as he removed her panties. A groan escaped him as he stared at the curly hairs covering her sex.
Stretching his long lean length on top of her, he cupped her face and forced her to look at him. “Talk to me.”
“No.” She could not tell him that she was taking the biggest risk of her life and putting her career on the line. She could not tell him that he had awoken something inside her that had long since remained dormant. All the sensations, the emotions tumbling inside her made her dizzy and confused.
“Just get on with it.”
His eyes searched her face as if seeking for answers.
Without responding, he lowered his head and tried for her lips, but she turned away and he had to settle for her neck, and he ravaged it. His body was pressed against hers and she could feel the springy texture of the hairs on his chest.
She could also feel something else – the insistent hardness rubbing between her thighs. And wanted it inside her. A need so strong, she could not believe it.
Reaching between them, she cupped the hot flesh and felt him vibrating. Lifting his head, he stared at her, gray eyes almost dark.
“Put me in,” he rasped, lifting his body so she could. As she guided his shaft at the opening. His eyes stayed on hers, watching them darkened and widened. Her body arched as he slowly entered her. She slid her hands up his taut stomach and over his chest, her body trembling as he went in deep.
His body vibrated with shock as her tightness enveloped him. She was too tight, incredibly moist and he was not going to last. But before he flooded her with his seed, he wanted her to come.
With that in mind, he eased out of her slowly, his eyes still holding hers. Reaching between them, he gripped his member and rubbed the tip, just the tip over her sensitive flesh. He saw when she arched, her mouth opened in a silent scream, her eyes widening.
Not satisfied just yet, he eased himself into her and used his thumb to toy with the flesh and watched her fragment. He felt the shift in her long, lean body and triumph was a burst of flame inside him.
She tried to resist; he could feel her pushing at him and saw the look of shock over the punch of passion as the violent orgasm crashed through her body. She screamed! Her hands racing up and down his back, her body writhing beneath his – he had to hold onto her hips to avoid being thrown off. Her reaction fired his senses. His control snapped.
With a feral growl – he drove into her - mouth capturing hers as he spilled his seed, watering her womb – his body bucking on top of hers. And even then, even when she had completely drained him, he could not stop. His heart was shuddering, his body coated with sweat, his limbs weakened and still he could not stop.
It took some time for her to recover enough to move and to feel. And to think. She had to think about what just happened and she could not do that because he was still inside her. His body was still covering her and to her utter confusion, she did not want him to move.
She enjoyed the feel of him on her. He filled her up – sex to her had just been a release, something to tolerate. And be done with it. She had never cuddled with a man after sex, never had one sleep over. Once it was over, she was done and wanted him gone. She did not have a lot of experience in that department.
She had once been so bored when she visited her aunt that she had started reading one of her historical novels. The love scene had been tastefully graphic and had her scoffing at the reactions of the female.
But she had to be honest to herself and admit that it paled in comparison to what happened here just now. Nothing in life had prepared her for this and she was bothered by it. For so many reasons.
He finally stirred and lifting himself, he looked at her.
“Am I crushing you?”
“Yes.” She answered too quickly and saw the quirk of his lips as he realized she was lying.
His eyes searched her face, and she had to force herself not to squirm. His fingers trailed the left side of her cheek slowly, his intense gaze making her warm. “You surprise me.” He murmured.
“That’s my life’s goal.”
“Aren’t you going to ask me why?”
She lifted her shoulder in a careless shrug. “I’m sure you’re going to spill.”
“For a woman of your age, you seem almost – innocent.”
Her eyes flared. “Don’t get it twisted, I’m not.”
“And yet.” He mused as he continued to trace her skin with his fingers. “It was as if you had not been with a man in a very long time.”