Page 24 of Merrick

“And if it comes to that?” He asked her quietly. He had seen them leave the balcony, because he had been on his way to bring her a glass of champagne and to find out what the hell was keeping her so long. He had stood there with the two glasses in his hand and watched them make their way to the harbor.

He had stood there long enough, eaten up with jealousy as he further noticed them going on the boat. Things were progressing rapidly. He had also seen the way the man looked at her and knew he was extremely interested.

“It won’t.”

“If it does?” He persisted, even when she cut him off with a look.

“It won’t. Now shut the hell up and concentrate on your driving. I got this and I don’t need you looking out for me.”

Chapter 6

“Supper at my place. I promise it will be just that unless you say otherwise. You mentioned you were into kickboxing, and it so happens that I am as well. You want to keep things light, so be it.”

She knew that refusing would force him to lose interest and she could not afford to. So, she had reluctantly agreed after giving him space for three days. She could not afford to drag her feet any longer.

Two more people had turned up dead, one of them a fifteen-year-old boy and that had officially pissed her off enough to want to push the issue. Having to tell a mother that her only son who had simply gone to a party at a friend’s house would no longer be coming home.

So, she was revved and ready to take on the world.

Hence her acceptance of the invitation. She would go to his place, pretend an interest, and try and lead the subject to hisbusiness ventures. She was going to have to find a way to get into his damn office.

A man like Merrick Pendergast would have everything pass coded, but she was hoping to see something lying around. She needed something. Her commander was onto her to get them some proof and she wanted it over and done with.

“Bring your best game. I have a feeling we are in for a very interesting night.”

“Hi.” He greeted her at the door after buzzing her up and she had to try her best not to goggle. The hallway was big with glossy wallpaper made of shimmering gold. An arched ceiling with muted lights shone dimly, giving the genuine hardwood floor an extra glow.

He led her through the hallway and into a dining area with several counters and a conversation area. A dining table took up space in the middle of the room and there was a grand piano in front of the floor to ceiling window.

From where she was standing, she could see an impressive gourmet kitchen with steel gray appliances and a semicircular counter.

“It’s not too cold, so I thought we could eat on the balcony.” He had taken her jacket and hung it up. She was happy she had settled for faded denims and a thin black sweater because he was wearing jeans and a sweater himself.

“Don’t tell me you did the cooking.”

He smiled as he led the way through a sliding glass door hidden behind a panel in the wall.

“No.” He stepped back and pulled out her chair, going around to his side of the table. The balcony was enclosed, the privacy shade half open to the spectacular view of the entire city.

“My housekeeper prepared the meal before she left.” He lifted off the silver domed covers to reveal thin succulent roast beef, an assorted number of grilled vegetables and wild rice.

“I’m surprised you don’t have live in help.”

He lifted his brow as he poured the wine. “Why would that surprise you?”

She shrugged and picked up her utensils. The smell alone was making her salivate. “You strike me as a man who would want his every need met.”

His intense gray eyes bored into hers and she forced herself not to squirm.

“I do, yes. But I am capable of taking care of myself. Besides, I like my own space. Part of the reasons why I moved out of the manor years ago.”

This was the opening she was waiting for, and she took it.

“You have a brother who’s married?” She murmured casually.

“Yes. And two grown nephews.”

“Are you close?”