She could embellish if needed. Decline to talk about her book. She had once busted a novelist who turned out to be innocent and they had become friends of sorts. Charmaine could give her some pointers.
All she needed was for him to notice her. And why the hell would he when he was used to beautiful women? She was going to be herself. He was accustomed to women falling all over themselves. All she had to do was be aggressive and loud, when a guy came onto her. Simple. She keep thinking that as if saying it enough was going to make it so.
And her wardrobe was woefully inadequate. Sliding through the clothing there, she contemplated a simple black dress and cast it aside. Too simple. She was digging through the rest when she pulled out an electric blue romper. She had bought the damn thing in a moment of weakness and never wore it.
It was dipped low in the front and had fitted her like a second skin. She had braided her hair for the meet, the long black and white braids, going all the way to her ass.
And she would wear makeup. Not much of course, because she was not that type of girl. Taking a deep breath, she set about getting ready.
“Darling, I thought you were going to check out the collections upstairs?” He felt the touch of her fingers on his arm and forced himself not to move away. He was bored with the entire scene and most of all with her.
He had been seeing Jennifer for the past four months and she was beginning to think they were exclusive. He need to break things off.
Pasting a smile on his lips, he handed the glass to a passing wait staff as he turned to her. She was in her forties and well preserved.
She was a judge, and they had met some time ago when his company had come under investigation. Her ash blonde hairwas cut in a chic page-boy style that suited her small face with its pointed chin. They were good together, but he was not interested in taking things further.
“Why don’t you go ahead?”
“Are you certain?”
“I am, yes. Go on.”
“Don’t blame me if I see something I cannot live without and put it on your tab.” She remarked with a pity smile.
“Please feel free.”
With a wave of one hand, she drifted away. He had to get out of here. He needed a proper drink and some brooding time. His brother and family were here, pretending that they were united.He was about to turn and go into one of the private rooms when he noticed her.
It wasn’t that she was the most beautiful woman in the room, far from it. But she was the most striking. He leaned back against the wall and watched in amusement as she turned her head and stopped a guy who was approaching with just one look.
Merrick’s eyes flickered briefly over the man and realized that it was Barry Stavros, a very wealthy and entitled owner of several shipping lines.
Plucking another flute from the passing waiter, he settled back to watch the show. Several men approached her, and one was brave enough to move in closer for a conversation and was brave enough to touch her. He did not get a second chance.
Her hand snaked around and gripped his wrist like a vice and had the man backing off. He just had to meet her.
Tossing back the rest of the drink, he made his leisurely way towards her and stood at a distance in case she gave him the same treatment.
“Is it just men in general or the ones who approached you were just not good enough to strike up a conversation?”
She turned her head to look at him and he felt a jolt right through his heart. She had mahogany brown eyes and the sexiest lips he had ever seen. Her gaze was direct and bold as they slid over his face.
“They were morons.”
His thick brows lifted. “You could tell from a distance?”
“I have a feel for that sort of thing. I know who you are.”
“You do?” So far, he was not getting the stone cold eye. “You have me at a disadvantage.”
“Margo Sullivan.” She did not simper or extend her hand but just turned back to examine the painting she had been studying. “I know a little bit about art, but this is crap.”
He bit back a laugh and felt his interest peaking.
“It’s by a very famous and upcoming artist.”