I grab my computer and start to look up care facilities in the area and reading reviews. It only takes me half an hour to realize that I’m screwed.

They’re all so expensive, so much more than I ever would have thought that they would be. Even if I had him transferredup closer to Wolf Valley, it’s still out of my price range and who knows if he’s stable enough to be moved so far.

I can’t stand the idea of him winding up in a nursing home where he’s treated poorly. He deserves the best, and I want to give that to him. I just need to figure out a way how.

I open a new browser and start looking up ways to make money fast. The first few options are all sexual, and I briefly wonder how much money I could get from selling pictures of my feet.

“I’m screwed,” I groan, collapsing back against my couch cushions. “What am I going to do now?”

An idea hits me, and I pause.

I remember, right before Christmas, one of the girls in town, Letty, entered some auction. Hugh, her boss, ended up buying her, and they’re happily married now, but she made a killing selling her virginity to him.

I could do that.

I go back to scrolling on my phone, trying to remember the name of the auction house or any other detail that I had heard.

Finally, I find it, but this month’s auction is something different. Instead of selling my virginity, this auction is for marriages.

What the heck do I do? I can’t get married to a stranger!

Can I?

I picture my Grandpa Joe lying alone in an uncomfortable hospital bed, and I close my eyes and let out a long breath.

I’d do anything for him.

Before I can think twice or talk myself out of it, I sign up.

As soon as it’s done, I’m on my feet and heading out the door. I can’t be alone right now. Tonight, I need to drink and be with my friends so as I climb down the stairs, I send out a group text to see if anyone can meet me at the bar in town. I get a few replies as I march that way, and I try not to panic.

I’ll talk to my friends. Maybe they can come up with a different solution.

And if not…then I guess I’m getting married.



I’mat the firehouse again the next day, filling in for Ramos again. It’s been slow, and I’m already regretting agreeing to this when I hear footsteps approaching my room, and then my Captain appears in the doorway.


“Captain,” I say with a nod, setting my copy of The Duke’s Passion aside and giving him my attention.

“Are you alright?” He asks, concern etched on his face.

“Um… yeah,” I say slowly, wondering what’s going on.

“I heard the news and just thought I’d check and see how you were doing,” he says.

“Uh, what news?” I ask, sitting up on my bed.

“About your girl. Lily,” he says, and I frown.


“Right,” he nods, the overhead lights glinting off his white hair.