“Do you need anything? I can run you a bath. Or get you some pain medicine if you’re sore.”
“I’m good.”
She cuddles closer to my side, and I grin up at the ceiling. My biggest dream is coming true. I finally have my girl.
Now, I just need to tell her how I feel about her and make things between us real.
I’m about to do just that, when Lilou leans up to look down at me with a dirty grin.
“Want to do it again?” She asks me, and I smile.
We both laugh as I roll her under me again and settle between her legs. Then we’re both moaning and lost in each other for the rest of the afternoon.
I smileas Milo takes my hand and leads me into Palmer’s Steakhouse. He’s taking me out to dinner, and even though I tried to tell him that we didn’t need to go anywhere so fancy or expensive, he insisted. He said he wanted to take me somewhere nice for our first date, and who am I to argue?
It feels so good to finally give in to the attraction and be with him.
“Wright. For two,” Milo tells the maître d.
She nods, grabs two menus, and leads us over to a table in the corner. Milo pulls my chair out for me, and I smile at him over my shoulder as I sit down.
“Of course,” he says, leaning down and brushing a kiss against my neck before he heads for his own chair.
“Have you been here before?” I ask him as I grab my menu.
“No. You?”
“No, but I’ve heard that it’s great.”
We both scan the menu, and my stomach growls. I blush, and Milo smirks at me. Neither one of us has eaten much today. Every time we tried to leave the bedroom, we would get…distracted and end up doing other things.
Not that I’m complaining. Trying so many new positions and things with Milo has been a lot of fun.
“What looks good?” I ask him, and he grins at me.
“Besides you?” He asks, and I giggle.
“Hmm,” he says, and I smile.
It’s been kind of eye-opening to realize the power that I have over this man. He thinks that I’m sexy, irresistible even. He makes me feel bold and confident and beautiful, and I love it.
“I’m thinking the sirloin,” he says, and I nod.
“Me too.”
Our waiter comes by a moment later, and Milo orders for both of us. As soon as we’re alone again, he reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.
“I have something that I wanted to talk to you about,” he says seriously, and I nod.