“Hey! How’s it been?” Lilliana asks as she wraps an arm around my shoulder and gives me a side hug.

“Good. How about you? I love the new designs!”

“Thanks,” Lilliana says with a happy smile.

She’s a lingerie designer, and we stock most of her designs in Wet and Wild. All of her work is gorgeous, and I may or may not own most of what she’s made.

Cameron, Lilliana’s best friend, wraps her hand around my shoulders from the other side and grins down at me.

“Long time no see!”

“I know. I keep meaning to come by Nosh, but I’ve been opening at the coffee shop for like weeks now.”

“I know. You’ve been working like crazy,” she agrees.

We make our way into the bar, and I follow my friends over to a big booth in the back.

“Just us tonight?” I ask as I slide in next to Maple.

“Yeah, everyone else is at home. There’s been some virus going around. I know that Olive had it last week, and Ginger, Saffron, and Cora all have it this week,” Cameron says.

“I hope that they feel better soon.”

“Yeah, Olive was only sick for a few days so I don’t think that it lasts long. Or hopefully not anyway,” Maple agrees.

Vera comes back with the first round and scoots in next to me.

“So, what’s new?” She asks the table.

Lilliana tells us about how her business is going. Cameron talks about things at Nosh Diner, where she works with her husband. Vera excitedly tells us about the wolves and how the resort that her husband is building is coming along.

Then they all turn to me.

“I actually have some big news,” I admit, and they all lean in. “I, um, I’m getting married,” I whisper.

“What?” Vera shouts.

“To Milo?” Cameron and Maple ask at the same time.

“Milo?” Lilliana asks, and I blush.

“Yep,” I say, downing half of my drink in one gulp.

“You didn’t even tell me that you two were dating!” Maple says accusatorily.

I open my mouth but then pause. I don’t know how to tell them or even what to tell them. Do I admit it all to them?

I look around at their faces and take a deep breath. These are my friends. I can trust them.

“We might need more alcohol,” I tell them, and Lilliana jumps up to grab us another round. I finish off my first as she passes me a shot and another martini, and I smile at her gratefully.

Then, I lean forward and tell them everything that’s happened in the last couple of days. By the time I’m done, they’re staring at me wide-eyed.

“I can give you the money,” Vera offers, and I shake my head.

“I can handle it.”

“Milo is a good guy,” Cameron says. “He likes you. I can tell.”