I grabmy copy of The Duke’s Passion and plop down on my bed. It’s been a long, boring shift, and I’m eager for it to be over. Just another hour, and then I’ll be out of here and can go see my girl.
“Hey, Wilson! You hungry?” One of the newest recruits asks as he passes by my room.
He shrugs and heads off down the hall to bug someone else. I think all of the guys here are used to my antisocial behavior. I’m here to work, and then I want to leave and do my own thing.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being a firefighter. I love helping people and giving back to my community. It’s just that I love other things too. Mainly, a curvy little brunette who works too hard and can’t seem to see that I’m perfect for her.
I can still remember the first time that I saw her. I was early for my shift and decided to stop by On the Grind for a coffee. She was working the counter, and she had turned to me, smiling atsomething her coworker said. That smile. Damn. It had almost knocked me off of my feet. I was hooked from that moment on, and even though I had never tried to win a girl over before, I had cockily thought that it would be easy. I know that I’m good-looking. I’m tall and in shape, all of the things that women seem to be looking for.
Well, women who aren’t Lilou, I guess.
I had tried to talk to her that first day, but she was just professional and polite. I had chalked it up to her being busy or shy, but now, months later, I’m no closer to making her mine.
It’s incredibly frustrating. Every time I try to flirt with her, she seems oblivious. I’ve caught her off guard a few times, and I think that maybe I’m making some progress, but then she’ll smile, like we’re just friends and I’m just teasing her.
I want to shake her and scream that I love her and we’re meant to be together. I’ve read enough of her romance books to know that wouldn’t exactly sweep her off her feet.
Instead, I’m over here trailing after her like a lovesick puppy, begging for scraps. I’ll do anything that I can to get close to her. It’s why I switched up my drink order to match hers, why I read the same books as her, and why I’ve been frequenting an adult toy store, coffee shop, and bookstore so much in the last few months when I never had any use for any in the past. Lilou works there, so I go there. I used to be a grumpy loner before I moved to town, but I’ve made it a point to be nice and friendly to all of her friends in the hopes that they’ll put in a good word for me. Just so that I can fit into her life better. I do it all to feel closer to her.
I crack open my book and start to read, picturing myself as the Duke and Lilou as my romantic interest. I make it a few chapters in before Maxwell, my Captain, knocks on my door.
“Captain,” I greet him.
“Ramos called out again. Can you stay and cover his shift? Porter is going to come in early, so it will only be a few hours.”
I think about leaving and seeing Lilou but know that I’ll stay. I can’t leave these guys short-handed, and everyone else has a family to get home to.
“Yeah, I can stay.”
“Thanks, Miller. As soon as Porter gets here, you can take off.”
“Got it.”
He knocks twice on my doorframe and then heads off down the hall. I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling.
Maybe this is a good thing. It will give me some time to brainstorm a new way to show Lilou that I’m into her and that we should be together.
I’ve tried asking her out to dinner, but she had work. I’ve invited her to the movies, on hikes, to a damn paint and sip class. She had excuses for every single one.
I’d think that she doesn’t like me, but she’s just as closed off with everyone. Working seems to be her whole life.
I grab my book and start reading again, getting lost in the fantasy of the book and imagining what it would be like to be with Lilou like that.
One day,I promise myself.One day soon.
It’sa short walk back to my apartment, and I hurry through the drizzling rain. I’m almost home when my phone starts to ring, and I sigh as I dig it out of my purse. I’m expecting it to be my best friend, Lymric. She always calls me late at night. She’s been a night owl for as long as I’ve known her.