“That this seems crazy,” I admit.
“Crazy how?”
“It’s just happening so fast. I…you don’t think this is crazy?” I ask him, and he shakes his head.
“No, I know you, and if you’re nervous, then we can go slow. I want you to be comfortable with me. I’ll give you the money now. There’s no rush.”
I melt a little bit for him right then and there. I already had a crush on him, but now I think that I might be dangerously close to falling for Milo.
“We do need to figure out a few things,” he says, and I frown.
“Like what?”
“Well, a wedding date at some point, and all that goes with that. But also, where you want to live. Our schedules, I guess.”
“I…” I start, feeling overwhelmed.
“Let’s start easy. We don’t need to figure it all out right now,” he says softly, and I nod, stopping outside of the bookstore to face him.
“Where do you want to live? I have a place a few miles north of here. It’s a house, there’s more than enough room for you.”
“I don’t have a car,” I whisper. I wouldn’t be able to get to work.”
“Okay. Your place it is. We can look at getting something bigger when you’re ready or getting you a car.”
“Okay,” I agree, and he smiles.
“Alright, you get to work. I’ll pick you up later.”
“What are you going to do?” I ask him, and he smirks.
“Go home and pack. I’ll be by later to grab your key so I can move my stuff in.”
My head is spinning, but I nod.
“What time are you off?”
“I’ll pick you up then.”
“Okay,” I say again.
“See you later.”
He leans down and kisses my cheek, and then he’s gone, headed back towards his truck. I watch him go until he disappears, and then I turn and head into work.
I try to clear my head as I get to work, but it’s no use. All I can think about is Milo and our upcoming wedding.
I’m parked outside,watching Lilou close up through the front windows. I spent the day packing up my house, which was easy since I didn’t really have much. I stopped by with lunch and grabbed Lilou’s keys then so I could get moved into her place.
And now I’m waiting to pick my fiancé up and head home. It’s late, and I wonder if she’s eaten anything for dinner. Maybe I should offer to pick up some food on the way home.