Page 91 of Bravo

As though my entire life was waiting to begin until the very moment my lips met his.

The alarm on the bedside table beeps, so I reach over and turn it off then throw the covers off of me, pull on some leggings and a sweater, and head out into the living room. Bradyn should be getting up any minute now, and I want to have his coffee ready to go.

After the care he took in providing me with just what I needed last night by getting me out of the house, I want to show him the same type of attention. And not just by baking cookies he gets to enjoy.

I’m stepping out into the hall when Bradyn opens his door and comes out. We nearly smack into each other, and I jump back. “Sorry!”

“Sorry!” he says at the same time then laughs and runs a hand over the back of his neck. “You’re up early.”

“Early riser,” I remind him.

“Yeah.” He tilts his head to the side. “This is weird. Why is this weird?”

Because you made me see stars with that kiss last night.“It doesn’t have to be.” I head into the kitchen and start the coffee I prepped last night.

“Did you sleep okay?”

“Not even a little,” I reply honestly. “But it was all self-inflicted.”

He laughs. “Same.”

Lani comes into the room and yawns. “Good morning,” she greets.

“Morning,” Bradyn and I both reply at the same time.

She arches a brow. “You two are in sync today. How was dinner?”

“It was great,” I tell her as I get another cup down from the cupboard.

“Good. I’m glad. I bet it felt good to get out.”

“It—” A loud explosion rocks the windows of the house. Bradyn immediately yanks Lani and me down to the floor, and Bravo starts barking at the front door.

“What was that?” Lani yells.

“Stay down,” Bradyn orders me as he reaches into his pocket and withdraws his ringing cell phone. “What was that?” he demands. His gaze locks on mine, and I know—Iknow—that whatever it is, it’s happening because of me. “I’m coming. Stay put until I get there.” He shoves the phone into his pocket. “Your old cabin exploded,” he tells me. “It took out the rest of them.”

My stomach plummets. “Injuries?”

“We don’t know yet.” Bradyn gets to his feet.

“I’m coming with you,” Lani says as she gets up.

“Me, too,” I say, prepared to run down there straight into the flames if need be.

“Kennedy, I need you to stay here.”


“They can’t see you. If they see you, they could turn you in. No one can know you’re still here.”


“No. I’m sorry. I promise to tell you everything, but please just stay here where it’s safe.”

Lani comes rushing back down the hall with her medical bag and heads straight for the front door.

Bradyn tugs me close and captures my lips, stealing my breath with a kiss before pulling away and rushing outside to join her, Bravo on his heels.