Page 82 of Bravo

But those best-laid plans went right out the window the moment my gaze landed on her. Barefoot and looking absolutely stunning in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, her hair loose around her face. When she wraps her arms around me—I know that I’m done.

A goner.

This woman owns me.

“He’s no longer hiding that you aren’t Olivia,” I tell her as I step back, putting distance between us so I can at least hope to think rationally as I recall everything that happened over the past few hours.

“He told you the truth?”

“He told me that you’re wanted for murder.” I nearly kept that part to myself, but keeping her in the dark will do no one any favors.

She pales. “Murder? What?”

“It’s a way to draw you out.” Honestly, I won’t be surprised if he blasts her face all over the news along with a heartfelt plea from the senator begging for his daughter’s killer to be brought to justice.

It’d be just the kind of move that would not only ensure he gets sympathy votes but also keep Kennedy from being able to run anywhere. Then again, doing so would bring unwanted attention. Especially if the wrong people find her.

She takes a step, and I notice that, while she’s still having some trouble with her foot, it’s not nearly as bad as it was.Good.That’ll make running a lot easier if it comes to that.

“This is insane. How can they possibly think they’ll get that to stick?”

“Deep pockets. They managed to get an entire precinct to pretend I wasn’t being hauled downstairs to have my teeth kicked in.”

The shade of red her face turns in her fury is both impressive and utterly adorable. Her hands clench into fists at her sides. “They didwhat?”

“Jaxson’s lawyer, Beckett, got there before they could finish what they’d started, but he was hoping it would soften me up. Unfortunately for him, the soft was kicked out of me a long time ago.” Moving into my kitchen, I reach into the fridge and grab a can of Poppi.“Want something to drink?”

She’s staring back at me. “You’re talking about it like it’s no big deal.”

“It’s not. He knows where you are, and he can’t get to you. It’s infuriating him.”

“He’s going to find a way,” she says.

“Not before we crack this code open and get that evidence turned over.”

“For all we know, it’s worth nothing.” She groans. “And if we go to the authorities without actual proof, they’re going to arrestme for murder. That would be just my luck.” She takes a seat on the couch, so I walk over and drop down beside her, enjoying the comfort of my own place.

To be gone for as long as I was and then to only be back a short time before having to leave again? I missed it.

I close my eyes and let myself fully relax for the first time since the fire. It’s been one chaotic moment after the next, and if I can just get one good night of sleep, I feel like I might just weep with joy.

“What is that?” The tip of Kennedy’s fingers brush over my collarbone, and I open my eyes. Big mistake. Because when those twin pools of blue are staring back at me, I lose all rational thought.

I have to force myself to look away before I do something really stupid and kiss her. Glancing down, I notice the puckered scar sticking out of the top of my T-shirt. “Gunshot,” I tell her. “I have a few of them.”

She pales. “You’ve been shot?”

“A few times.”

“How many?”

“Four or five. A few different circumstances. One of them was after I got out. It was our first search and rescue mission. Before we had the dogs. We were focused on some activity straight ahead, and they flanked us.”

“That’s why you got the dogs?”

“One of the reasons.” I reach down and pet Bravo. “It’s an adjustment. Going from having every moment of your day planned out and waking every morning, not knowing if today’s the day you’ll be knocking on heaven’s door, to coming home and suddenly being in control of your own life again. Bravo helps me with that.” I don’t even tell her that it was the nightmares that nearly did me in. And that when those terrors hit me in the middle of the night, Bravo comforts me.

“I can imagine.”