Page 75 of Bravo

“So many people have already died for me, Bradyn.”

“I won’t be another one of them.”

“If we go back there and anything happens?—”

“I have a plan. They won’t even know we’re there. Do you trust me?”

“With my life.” And I realize that I believe it. Bradyn Hunt will keep me safe; that much I know to be true. Why? I have no idea, but he’ll protect me. The question is: Who will protect him?

“You have so much confidence.”

He grins. “I have so muchfaith. And I believe that God has a plan for us all. This is part of mine.Youare part of mine.”

“There’s that word again. Faith.” I want to believe like he does. I did for a while. But after what happened to my parents, toOlivia, how am I supposed to believe in anything good when I’ve gone toe-to-toe with darkness?

“There’s that word again,” he repeats. “Because, no matter what happens, no matter what trials we face, I know He’s right there, walking through it with us.”

“I wish I could believe that.”

“Give it time,” he replies. “You just might start to see.”

It’s nearlytwo in the morning when someone pounds on our door. I shoot up out of bed, adrenaline surging through my system, but Bradyn is already out of his bed and opening the door between our room and the one Elijah and Jaxson are sharing.

I get up and limp over toward him, grateful that I can put a bit more weight on my ankle this morning.

“What is it?” Bradyn asks.

“Proximity alarm,” he replies then turns a tablet around so we can see the screen. An entire team of what looks like SWAT is lining up in the parking lot. “I set them up before bed. My guess is they’re here for you and her.”

I’ve seen what Bradyn can do, and I imagine both Elijah and Jaxson are capable too. But I also know, without a doubt, that there’s no fighting our way out of this.

So what do we do?

Trust in Me.Those three words come rushing to me like a freight train, though I have no idea what they mean.

Bradyn rushes into our room and starts shoving my stuff into my bag then clips the leash on Bravo. The whole thing is done so quickly that I barely have time to process what he’s doing. “Get Kennedy and Bravo back to the ranch.”

“What? No! What are you going to do?”

“Buy you time,” he replies then tugs the blankets back up over the bed and tosses his bag on top so it doesn’t look like anyone was sleeping there.

“Bradyn, they’re going to kill you.” Panic claws at my heart, suffocating me. This can’t be happening. He can’t be seriously considering staying here and letting them catch him.

“I’ll be fine.”

“If I can get out, then so can you. Come with me. Please.” Tears stream down my cheeks as I grip his arm, trying to tug him toward the door.

But Bradyn is a wall that will not be moved. He reaches up and cups my cheek. “You have to go with them.”

“You have to come too.”

“If I’m not here, that room is the first one they’re going to. This way, at least there’s a chance.”


“Kennedy.” He leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll find you, okay? I will make it back. Trust me.”

“I don’t want to go without you.” Tears stream down my cheeks now. The idea of leaving Bradyn here to a fate that’s not his own is killing me right where I stand.