“I wasn’t the one who lost my wife or mother. There’s no need to apologize to me.” It had been a horrific case. One that shook me to my soul and had me locked in my house for two weeks as I prayed my way out of the mental hell it threw me into.
“You still lost something, and for that, I’m sorry.”
I don’t respond, just nod, hating that, even after these few years, that woman’s face still swims into view every time I close my eyes.
“Thanks, by the way.”
“For what?” I question, forcing my gaze back to the sliver of window not shielded by curtains. I’ve been watching for any sign that they found us. Thank God there hasn’t been one yet.
“Coming after me. Again.”
How do I tell a woman I just met that I’ll always come for her? That I feel so drawn to her that it doesn’t matter she liedto me? All I want is to protect her from the monsters knocking at her door. Since I’m not quite sure how to find those words, I simply nod.
“Get some sleep.”
“What about you?” She tugs the comforter down and slips inside, pulling it up to her neck and rolling onto her side.
“Don’t worry about me. You get sleep, and I’ll make sure the walls don’t cave in while you do.”
Her eyes fill, but she doesn’t say anything. I reach over and turn off the lamp closest to me, and the room falls into shadow.
As Kennedy lies there silently, I do the only thing I can.
I pray.
God, I need You. Please show me how to protect her. Please show me the path you want me to take because we can’t do this without You. And Lord, help Kennedy. Soften her pain and help her find her way back to You. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
“Kennedy, wake up.”
I come awake quickly as Bradyn gently shakes my shoulder. The room is dark, so it takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the fact that he’s hovering over me, his pack on the front of his body with mine hooked to a strap on the front.
“What is it?”
“A dark SUV just pulled into the parking lot. Two men got out. We need to go.”
My heart begins to pound, and my body shakes with the force of my fear. We’re trapped here. I knew this room was a bad idea, and I took it anyway because I’d been so desperate for a place to sleep.
I throw the covers off of me and get to my feet. “I need my clothes.”
“We don’t have time. They’re in your bag, and I’ve got it. I need you to get on my back. We have to move quickly.”
“Bradyn, how are we going to get past them?”
“We’ll figure it out, okay?”
But then someone knocks on the door, and our hope of a quick escape is gone.
“Get over in the corner,” he tells me. “Stay down.” He shoves my gun into my hand and helps me over to the back corner of the room.
He’s going to die. Because of me. They all die. “Bradyn?—”
He turns toward me. “Don’t worry. It’s going to be fine.”
“Room service!” they call out from the other side of the door.