“Operating off the record will get a lot more difficult if there are any photographs of us out there linking us to specific cases. I got it. She stays off the property.”
“Then that’s all we can do.”
“What about Sammy? She was really upset?”
“Yeah. She was. I’ll talk to her. Mom called and said she’d have dinner ready by seven. I’ll take Sammy hers.”
Dylan nods. “How’d today go, by the way? How was your outing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb with me.”
“We had a good time. Sammy’s a good worker.”
“She’s gorgeous, too. And kind. Smart.” He’s fishing, but I don’t intend to bite.
“Sounds like you’re interested.”
He laughs. “Nah, I like her fine, but not the way you clearly do.”
“As I told you before, I barely know her.”
“You should know her better after the drive today. Or did you keep your foot in your mouth and not actually ask anything of value?”
I glare at him. “We had a great time until—” Another knock at the door. “Come in.”
Elliot opens the door. “We have company.”
“Some guy in a black SUV. Asked to speak with you directly.”
“Did he say who he was?”
Elliot’s expression says it all. Whoever this guy is, it’s not good news.
“I’ll head up now. Dylan, check in with Riley and see if Arthur called in a suit.”
“Will do.”
“Do you really think he called a lawyer?” Elliot asks as we head for the front door.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.” I roll my shoulders. “Bravo,heel.” The dog jumps up and follows me out the door, keeping close by as we make our way toward my truck. Dylan jumps onto a four-wheeler and takes off toward the cabins while Elliot gets behind the wheel of his own truck.
“Something feels off about this,” he says before closing his door. “I can’t pinpoint why, but something feels off.”
“Let’s find out what he wants,” I tell him. “Then we’ll see if there’s something to worry about.” I wait for Bravo to jump inthen climb in behind him and shut my door. Given the nature of our company, it could be someone needing us.
We’re word of mouth only, so if that’s why this guy is here, he’ll know one of our other clients, too. But somehow, I seriously doubt this guy is here to ask for our help. I’m not sure how I know, but I just do.
Call it discernment, intuition…whatever it is, I have a pit in my stomach.
The drive up to the main house doesn’t take too long, but by the time I’ve put my truck into Park, I’ve managed to pray my way out of coming into this impromptu meeting on the defensive.
A black SUV with tinted windows sits in front of my parents’ house. Two men wearing dark suits stand just outside of it, and even though their eyes are covered with dark sunglasses, I can feel their gazes on me as I get out of the truck.
Bravo jumps out with me, and as we get closer, his body language shifts from happy puppy to attentive working dog. He doesn’t like them.