Page 47 of Bravo

Riley gives us a grin before he stands and pulls out a chair for me. “Here you go, Sammy. You can sit right between me and Elliot. Break the tension a bit.”

Elliot snorts and shakes his head. “They’ve been going at it since mom let Dylan have the first pancake.”



As soon as I’ve set Sammy down, I head back into the kitchen to make her a plate. I can hear her out there chatting with Elliot, and it makes me a bit jealous. Which, of course, is ridiculous. But there it is.

Jealous because my brother seems to have an easier time finding words around her than I do.

“She looks tired,” my mother comments as she comes into the kitchen. “I hope that bed was comfortable enough.”

“I’m sure it’s just her leg bothering her,” I reply as I pile some eggs onto her plate.


I finish putting a few strips of bacon onto her plate then turn. My mother is watching me curiously, a smile on her face. “What?”

“Nothing.” She shakes her head but continues smiling.

“What is it?”

“You two just make a nice pair, that’s all.”

“What?” My cheeks heat. “I barely know her.”

“I knew the moment I met your father that I wanted to marry him.”

“We’re not all you and Dad,” I reply with a snort. “Besides, Sammy works for us.”

“As far as I know, there are no Hunt laws about falling in love with a coworker.”

“Love? Again, I’m forced to repeat myself, I barely know her.”

“Uh-huh.” She continues smiling though, and because I know that continuing to press will only make me look even more guilty, I head out into the dining room to deliver Sammy’s plate.

Just as I’m entering the room, she starts laughing at something Elliot said, and I can’t keep my own smile from spreading. She looksrightsitting here at my family’s table. Like this is where she belongs.

God, please help me here. I need to know what to do. How do I make this woman open up tome?

“Here you go,” I say as I set her plate in front of her.

“Thank you. This looks delicious, Mrs. Hunt.”

My mom beams at her as she sets a tray of fresh biscuits down in the center of the table. “I’m so glad. Here’s hoping it tastes just as good.” She takes a seat.

“Morning, everyone,” my father announces as he takes his seat at the head of the table. “Good morning, Sammy.”

“Good morning, Mr. Hunt. Thank you for letting me join you all this morning. And for allowing me to stay.”

“Anytime,” he replies with a smile. “Shall we?” He holds out his hands, taking Mom’s and Elliot’s. Elliot reaches for Sammy, who hesitates just a moment before slipping her hands into his and Riley’s.

I hold Riley’s hand while Dylan and Tucker finish off the loop with Tucker taking my mother’s hand.

We all bow our heads.

He clears his throat. “Heavenly Father, we thank You for this meal before us, for the roof over our heads, for our health, andfor every moment You grant us here together. Please bless this food we put into our bodies and guide us through today so that we may do Your will. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”