Lani snorts. “She’s always done that.”
“Done what?”
“Steamrolled when she goes into protective momma bear mode.” Lani closes her med bag and stands. “You’re lucky you didn’t lose any toes out there.”
“Is Bradyn okay?”
“I haven’t talked to him yet, but I’m sure he’s fine. My brother could walk through the very fires of hell and come out unscathed. Has a time or two.” Her gaze darkens just a bit, those bright-blue eyes she shares with her mother momentarily turning stormy.
“I’m sorry I put him at risk.”
Lani waves her hand. “If it hadn’t been you, he would’ve gone out there anyway. Granted, a lot more prepared than he was, but it’s just who he is. It’s who all of them are.”
“He’s a good man.”
“Good as they come. But don’t tell him I said that. I have an annoying little sister reputation to keep up. Even now in my thirties.”
I smile. “Fair enough. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Good. All right, well, I’m leaving you in good hands. Call if you need me, but I think you’ll rest up just fine. Ibuprofen and lots of fluids. I’ll have Mom bring another ice pack up in about thirty minutes. You should be icing it off and on.”
“Thanks, Lani.”
“No problem, Sammy. See you later.” She waves and starts to head out but pauses to peer out the window and groans. “Ugh, Sharon is here. I knew it was only a matter of time before local media decided to show up.”
Local media. The news.Fear claws at my chest, and I have to fight to push it down. I’m in here. Tucked away in this house. No one can see me. Not a single camera will be able to capture me in here, which means?—
“Look at her, walking around down there like she owns the place.” Lani clicks her tongue. “That woman is a menace justwaiting to sink her claws into one of my brothers. Excuse me while I go deal with her.” Lani offers me a quick smile before ducking out into the hall.
I have to fight the urge to get up and hop down to my cabin to gather my things. Truth is, even if I wanted to leave, I couldn’t go anywhere. Not on a hurt ankle. My best bet is to remain right where I am, tucked away on this Texas ranch, surrounded by military heroes. If ever there was a safe place to lie low, it would be this place, right?
“You are so brave,” Sharon says with her lined eyes wide and full of false concern. I can see through the mask, though, have been able to ever since we were in high school. Still, it doesn’t stop her from trying to make me her next husband.
Not that I’m judging. Her personal life is none of my business. I’m just not biting on that line, no matter how many times she tries to cast it out.
“I did what anyone else would do.”
“You went out into an ice storm to save horses and one of your ranch hands.”
“Yeah, well, anyone would have done it.”
She makes notes on her notepad then looks up at me. “Arthur Kidress said that the female ranch hand was injured. What’s her name? Sammy, right? What injury? Can I speak to her?”
In a small town like this, any news is newsworthy. A fire at Hunt Ranch will likely make the front page, giving Sharon one heck of a byline. But there’s no way I’m letting her use Sammy for clout. “We keep our employees private, you know that.” It’s bad enough Arthur mentioned her at all. Especially when wehave a confidentiality agreement with all of our employees.One more strike against him.
“Can I speak with her?” she asks again.
“I’ll have her call in if she wants to talk to you.”
“Oh, come on, Bradyn.” She pouts. “For old times’ sake? I would love to get this story.” She bats her false lashes at me, and even though I’m agitated that she thinks I’d fall for the act, I force a smile.
“No, sorry, Sharon. If she wants to talk to you, she’ll reach out.”
“Okay, fine.” She laughs and playfully smacks my arm. “Always with the secrets. You would think we hardly knew each other.”