Page 17 of Bravo

“Sounds good, Sammy. I’ll see you around.” With a smile lacking the brightness it had earlier, he leads Rev out into the dark, Bravo trailing right beside him.

Ever since myfirst day here at the ranch, I’ve felt mildly intimidated by the Hunt brothers. They’ve always been kind, sure, but there’s no mistaking the lethality lurking just beneath the surface.

These men are built and trained for war.

Soldiers masquerading as cowboys.

Like they’re one breath away from marching into battle. I know that they’d defend this ranch to the very last breath in their chests, and that’s something I can appreciate.

Bradyn is leaning back against the wall of the barn as Elliot gives us our task list for the day.

Tree limbs need to be trimmed.

Stalls cleaned out and filled with extra bedding.

Cattle moved to the pastures closest to the house.

Honestly, it’s a relatively lean day compared to the last few.

We just had a particularly nasty storm two days ago and had quite a few downed trees.

I’m glad it’s over, but now the news is predicting the one hitting us at the end of the week will be worse. Lots of sleeting rain. Which, thanks to the cold January weather, will then lead to ice and impassable roads. Hence the need to move the cattle even closer.

Riley, Tucker, and Dylan are all relatively quiet this morning. While that’s normal for Dylan, Riley and Tucker are typically a lot chattier. I can’t tell if that’s because something is on their minds or they’re merely mentally prepping for the day.

“Those of you who have been here a while should remember Bradyn,” Elliot says, gesturing to his older brother.

“Who?” Another ranch hand, Leon, calls out with a grin.

Bradyn offers a half smile and stands.

“He’s rejoining us after being out for just over three months. Bradyn runs the show most days, but since he’s been gone awhile, we have to make sure he remembers how to do this.”

Everyone laughs, and Bradyn’s gaze briefly rests on me.

I swallow hard.

He looks away. “I’m glad to be back,” he says. “I’m looking forward to getting to know those of you who are new here, and I’m ready to work alongside the rest of you again. Thanks for not letting the place fall into shambles while I was gone.” He steps back again.

“It’s going to be a great day,” Elliot says as he sticks his notebook into his back pocket and removes his baseball cap. “So let’s pray and get this day going.”

Everyone stands—including Bradyn—and bows their heads. I’m not entirely sure where I stand in the faith department. With everything I’ve seen, I’m just not so sure there’s more to this life than what’s in front of us. But I bow my head anyway.

“Lord, we thank You for this day. For bringing Bradyn and Bravo home safely as well as granting us the strength we needed to keep this place running without them. Please guide us today so that the work we do is solid, productive, and is for the betterment of this ranch and those who rely on us. Watch over us as we head out, Lord, and please bring us all back safely. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

A chorus of “Amen” fills the barn, and the six other ranch hands currently employed by Hunt Ranch all head over to the stall of their horse of choice so they can start prepping the animal for the day.

Bradyn is talking to Elliot, both of them huddled in the corner. After a brief conversation, they separate. Unlike the other Hunt brothers, Bradyn doesn’t hang out in the barn withthe rest of us, likely because Rev is already saddled and tethered outside the barn.

And since I also prepped Midnight prior to this meeting, I have the perfect opportunity to head outside where she’s tethered, too. Maybe if I can catch him before—Arthur steps in my way. “Hey.”


“It’s going to be a short day today, huh?”

“Looks that way.” I offer a friendly smile then try to step around him.

“Yeah, should get a decent amount of downtime today.”