“He most certainly is,” Mom replies.
The camera shifts back to Silas, and my dad peeks around Mom and into the phone, his eyes misting with happy tears. “How is our sweet little Eloise liking being a big sister?” he asks.
“She’s so excited. Eliza and Lance took her out for ice cream just before I called.”
“Good. I’m so glad. She’ll have a best friend for life now,” my mom says.
“Yes, she will.” He is absolutely beaming with joy, and even as happy as I am, I can’t help but feel a tad jealous too. I want children as badly as I want to take my next breath.All in good time.All in God’s time.“Well, I better get going. I need to hand this little guy off to his momma then grab us both something to eat.”
“Let us know if you need anything,” Dad offers.
“Will do, thanks.”
“We love you, honey,” Mom says with a wave.
“Love you, too,” he replies.
Mom heads back to the kitchen while Dylan and Tucker remain standing beside me.
“Congrats, Cuz,” Dylan says. “He’s handsome.”
“Thanks, guys. I’m—” He smiles. “I’m so happy. I thank God every day for this. For all of this. I don’t deserve any of it.”
“None of us do,” I reply. “We love you. Hopefully, we can get out soon to meet the little guy.”
“I hope so too. Talk soon.” The call ends, and I shove my phone back into my pocket.
“I’m so happy for them both,” my mom says from in front of the stove.
The front door thuds closed. I step out of the kitchen and grin when I see my sister Lani strolling toward me, wearing slacks and a button-down shirt. She looks exhausted, but when she sees me, her face lights up.
I catch her in a big hug. “Hey, little sister.”
She pulls away, and we finish the walk into the kitchen. “I’m so glad you’re back. How was the trip?” She reaches in and plucks a grape from the fruit tray.
“I accomplished what needed to be accomplished.”
“You always do.” She smiles softly then grabs another grape.
Her black hair is shorter than it was before I left and is pulled back into a ponytail. She looks happy. Tired but happy. I guess running one’s own medical practice will do that to a person.
Silence descends into the kitchen as my father steps up toward the oven and opens it, withdrawing a foil-covered pan that I know will be full of the most delicious brisket in the Lone Star State, something that over a decade of BBQ competition wins has proven.
My mouth waters.
“So what’s new here at the ranch?” I question, hoping the conversation will not only distract me from the hunger pangs but also swing in the direction of a certain gorgeous woman I haven't been able to stop thinking about.
Even the news of Silas’ new addition couldn’t completely get her off my mind. She’s lingering. And it’s been a long time since a woman captivated me the way she did. Especially in the span of only a minute or so.
The way I asked the question must have raised a few flags for Tucker because he arches a brow. “You been out wandering?”
“No.” I clear my throat.Fess up, Hunt.“But I did meet our new hand in town, and it had me wondering if there was anything else I needed to know.”
“Ahh, you met Sammy,” he replies with a knowing smile toward Dylan. The two of them grin at me.