“Bravo,fahs,”Bradyn orders.
The door splinters, and Bravo attacks. Bradyn dodges a fist and slams one into the gut of his attacker. He shoves the man’s hand up, and a gun goes off, sheetrock dusting down on top of him. Bravo yelps as he’s flung into the wall, but the resounding growl from the animal is deafening.
Bradyn slams his face into his attacker, and the man stumbles back—then falls all the way out the door and over the railing.
“Aus,”he orders, and Bravo releases the man. Bradyn slams him into the wall then drops him to the ground. The man lies still as Bradyn searches his pockets, and I stare at my protector in a mixture of fear and fascination.
Soldiers masquerading as cowboys.
I always suspected it, but now I have confirmation.
It only took him and Bravo seconds to take down two armed men without firing a single shot. I don’t even have time to fully process what just happened before Bradyn’s turning toward me.
“Let’s go.” He shoves a wallet, keys, and a phone into his pocket. He crosses over toward me and drops down so I can get onto his back. “Keep your gun handy. I don’t know for sure that there aren’t more somewhere.”
Moving so fast it might as well be like he’s not carrying me at all, Bradyn goes down the steps and rushes toward the dark SUV. The body on the pavement missed a car, and with it being so dark outside, I can barely make out the shape against the asphalt.
Bradyn searches the inside of the SUV then deposits me in the passenger side and opens the back for Bravo. The dog hops in without a command, and Bradyn tosses our bags in after him then rushes over to get behind the wheel.
He fires up the engine and leaves quickly, all while I’m still trying to process what just happened. We were just attacked in an enclosed room—and survived.
Bradyn reaches into his pocket and withdraws his phone then holds it up so Face ID can unlock it before handing it off to me. “Tap Elliot’s contact. He’s at the top on the first screen. Then put it on speaker.”
I do as he says. The phone rings, and a few seconds later, a sleepy-sounding Elliot answers. “Everything okay?”
“We were attacked in a motel room, and I need to know how they found us.”
“On it.” I hear some rustling. “I’ll grab Tucker too. He can run security cameras in the area if you get me an address.”
“An old motel off of I-49,” he says. “Right outside of Harrisonville. Look it up.”
“Sammy okay?”
Bradyn looks at me, so I clear my throat. “I’m okay.”
Elliot breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank God. I’ll get you some answers.”
“You should know they’re watching the ranch.”
My stomach plummets. If they’re lingering there, it’s because they think they’ll catch me. And if they do?—”
“There goes Plan A.”
“You have a Plan B?”
“Always. But I don’t want to risk it now. We stole their car, so we’re going to have to ditch it. Make sure local PD knowsthey have two bodies to find at that motel. One dead, the other unconscious. Call it in so a civilian doesn’t find them.”
“On it. Stay safe, brother.”
The call ends, and Bradyn shoves his phone back into his pocket. His gaze keeps shifting between the rearview mirror and the windshield, but he doesn’t seem shaken. Just in problem-solving mode.
“Are you okay?” he asks after a few more minutes of silence.