Page 48 of Bravo

We all unlink hands the moment the “amens” have been spoken, and everyone begins eating. My gaze continually finds Sammy across the table. I just can’t help it. I’m drawn to her in a way I’ve never been drawn to anyone.

As though she’s the light that will drive out the darkness in my soul.

“Busy day today, Ruth?” my father asks.

“Not too busy. We’d postponed the bake sale until Sunday morning before service, so I’ll be re-baking some of the goodies that wouldn’t keep those few days. Then I promised Sally Henderson that I’d swing by and help her with the quilt she’s been working on. There’s a stitch that’s giving her a fit.”

“Wonderful. Give Sally our love. And, if those goodies won’t keep?—”

“I already set them out on the counter for all of you to enjoy,” she interrupts.

“You know us so well, Momma,” Tucker says with a smile.

“So, so well,” Dylan adds.

“How about you, Bradyn? Anything with the business yet?”

I shake my head. “We’ve got a couple files to sort through, but nothing that’s catching our attention just yet.”

“And ranch business?” he asks. Since he’s been what he likes to call ‘retired lite’ for the last three years—ever since he broke his hip in three places getting thrown from the back of a young gelding—I handle the bulk of ranch business. He puts his opinion in and offers help when I need it, but otherwise, he stays out of it.

Instead, he helps my mom around the house or volunteers his time in town, doing odd jobs for those who can’t.

“I’m headed to the lumber mill this afternoon to grab supplies to start rebuilding the barn. Elliot is meeting with the vet so she can take a look at Rev and check his progress. Riley, Tucker, and Dylan are taking the ranch hands out into the pastures to check all the fencing; then they’re headed over to Piney Drive Ranch to help with some damage they took from the storm.”

“Good, good. I’m glad you’re helping Dan. He’s had it rough these last couple of years.” The tone turns somber as we all recall the accident that took his wife and left him to manage the ranch alone.

“We’ll get him taken care of,” Riley says.

“What can I do?” Sammy takes us all by surprise by speaking up.

We all shift our attention to her. Wide crystal-blue eyes shift around the table nervously.

“Honey, don’t you worry about that. You need to rest up,” my mom tells her.

Sammy’s lips flatten in frustration. “There has to be something I can help with. Please. I promise to take it easy, but I’ll go crazy just sitting around staring at the same four walls.”

“There’s nothing wrong with taking it easy while you heal,” she retorts.

Riley snorts.

“And just what is that supposed to mean, Riley Jude?”

“Nothing, Mom. I was just remembering that emergency appendectomy you had when you were supposed to be taking it easy but decided the laundry couldn’t wait.”

My dad throws his head back and laughs. “Yes! And then the woman pulled three stitches loose and got angry that we made her leave to go get them closed back up!” Everyone around the table joins in his laughter.

Even Sammy looks delighted to have the attention off of her for a moment.

My mom shakes her head, though her expression is amused. “Yeah, well, I don’t see you complaining that you always have clean socks.”

He leans over and presses a kiss to the side of her head. “Never, my love. We appreciate everything that you do.”

“It’s true, Mom. You’re the best,” Riley quips.

“Yeah, yeah.” She beams at him.

“Why don’t you go with Bradyn to the lumber yard?” Elliot offers, returning the conversation to Sammy. “It’s about an hour one-way, so having the company wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”