Page 105 of Bravo

“I want to spend every moment of my life loving you, Kennedy. Will you marry me?”

“Yes. Absolutely yes.” She throws her arms around me, and I nearly fall backward. She kisses me, gripping both sides of my face.


“Did you really doubt it, Hunt?” She stares down at me, bathed in the light from the twinkling fairy strands above. I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto her finger, sealing the promise.

Then I stand, pulling her up with me. “I love you, Kennedy Smith. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Did she say yes?” someone calls through the door.

“Of course she said yes,” Lani whispers loudly.

“I said yes!” Kennedy yells.

The door opens, and my entire family, the Smiths, and Cillian rush out onto the balcony. Lani immediately heads for Kennedy and hugs her while Patrick comes over and offers me his hand.

“I’m beyond happy that you and Kennedy found each other,” he says.

“Same. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

Patrick wraps his arm around his wife, who beams up at him. “I know that feeling.”

My gaze shifts back to Kennedy as she turns and smiles at me, her entire face radiant in her joy. I’ve spent years bringing the lost back to their families. But I never expected to find a piece of myself in the process. Yet, there she stands, right in front of me.

A part of my soul that I didn’t realize was missing.

Silently, I promise myself that I will do everything in my power to give her the happily ever after she deserves. I know that, no matter what life throws our way, we have God, and we have each other.

And that’s all we need.

Thank you so much for reading! Keep turning the pages for the first three chapters of Elliot’s book, ECHO! Coming soon!


He’s going to kill me.

There’s not a single doubt in my mind that I won’t live to see another sunrise. Unless, of course, I’m granted a miracle. I pump my arms faster even though every single muscle in my body aches from being hit by that car.

How I walked away from that, I have no idea. I do know, though, that if I’m caught, I won’t be walking away. Not this time.

A gunshot rings out, and I stumble, slamming my knee into a rock. I choke on a scream. I can’t let him know where I am. It’s dark now, and the shield of trees is keeping me relatively hidden. Out of sight, out of aim.

Another shot. Wood splinters off the tree beside me, and I fall once more, shredding the hem of the t-shirt I’m wearing. It tears as I push up from the ground. Every move is agony, but I keep going. Keep running.

I have to keep running.

Ahead, headlights illuminate the highway as cars pass by. Hope fills me with renewed strength. If I can get up there, I can get into a car before he reaches me. Then I’ll be able to survive. Then, I can get help.

I push harder. Faster.

Until—I slide to a stop at the edge of a river.

Water roars, blocking me from the highway. Thanks to the heavy rains we’ve had over the past couple of days, there’s no hope of me getting across without being swept away. Still, maybe?—

“I told you I’d find you. I willalwaysfind you.”

Dread coils in my belly as I turn to face my attacker. His smile is sinister, his eyes dark. “Please, let me go. I won’t say anything.”