Page 100 of Bravo

“Please, I’m telling you that I don’t know anything!” Kennedy screams again.

“I will not be lied to! Come on, sweetheart, we’re just getting started. Be honest with Ralphie, and I promise to make this quick.”

She screams again, a heart-stopping cry of pain.

I slam my boot into the door, and it flies open. The man reaches for a gun holstered beneath his arm, but I’m faster.“Fass,Bravo!” I order. Bravo lunges forward, his jaws clenching around the man’s forearm. The man screams in pain, and I disarm him, ripping the firearm from his grasp while Bravo takes him to the ground.

The other dogs all stand at the ready, growling low and deep as the man stares at them in fear, his eyes wide. “Get this mutt off of me!” he yells.

“Keep squirming; it only makes him bite harder,” Elliot replies as he withdraws zip ties from a pocket on his vest.

“Aus, Bravo,” I order.Let go.Bravo releases him, and Elliot’s quick with the zip ties, securing his hands behind his back.

With him no longer a threat, I turn toward Kennedy. Her face is bruised, her lip split open, eyes bloodshot. Blood slicks against the skin of her arms where her sleeves were cut off—long cuts from the blade discarded at her side.

There’s a bit of blood matted to her hair and dripping down her forehead.

Fury ignites in my veins. A thirst for vengeance that will not be quenched until this man is dead. I start to turn toward him.

“You came for me.” Kennedy’s soft voice grounds me, and I remain where I am. She’s top priority, and vengeance is not mine to have. Not when God can deliver far worse than I can if He so chooses.

I rip the knife from my boot and cut the ropes binding her. “Of course I came for you.”

She tries to smile, but she winces and reaches up to touch the cut on her lip. “I told you not to.” Her wrists are covered in bruises from the ropes as well as burn marks where she tried to get free.

I swallow down my anger and do my best to only focus on her. “I’ve always struggled with following directions.”

“We need to get out, brother,” Tucker says. “Otherwise, we’re about to be sitting ducks.”

“You’re already sitting ducks, you fools. You won’t make it out of this alive, and now I’ll really make her suffer.”

A heavy thud masked with a soft grunt has me turning my head. Dylan slowly lowers his boot back to the ground, and theman lies unconscious on the floor. “Don’t act like none of you wanted to do that and so much worse.”

No one says a word, and I know that, in this moment, we all appreciate Dylan’s temper. Honestly, he probably saved the man’s life by knocking him out.

Kennedy rests her head against my chest. “Alexander has the key in his pocket. We find him, we have the proof.”

“That’s good,” I tell her. “Because I’ve already made a call.”

“This is good, Hunt,”Frank Loyotta says appreciatively as the senator is loaded into the back of a police cruiser. While it’s not necessarily his wheelhouse, Frank has connections that I don’t. Connections that led to the Department of Homeland Security showing up on Senator Brown’s door, along with multiple media outlets and a slew of local police.

I smile. “Thanks for showing up.”

“Anytime. Turns out the guy you found in there with your girl is Rice Berns. He’s wanted in four Countries and has been on the FBI’s most-wanted list for a decade. The good senator there tried to save his own hide by telling us Rice was behind everything and he was only being blackmailed. We got both him and his son, Klive, trying to escape out the back. And wouldn’t you know, the senator had a thumb drive in his pocket. Think we’ll find anything on that?”

“I would think so. It’s likely the key. Tucker has the main one. He can get it to you before you head out. You’ll need one to read the other.”

He nods. “Seriously, you did great work. Again.”

“It’s a team effort,” I reply.

“You and your brothers ever want to come work for me, all you have to do is say the word. I’ll make it happen.”

I shake his offered hand. “Appreciate that, Frank, but I’m really looking forward to some quiet time after this.” My gaze lands on Kennedy. She’s sitting in the back of an ambulance, a blanket over her shoulders.

She turns toward me, and our gazes hold. For a moment, everyone else just fades away, and it’s just her and me.

Thank You, Lord.